The City of Timmins' Building and Planning Divisions work together to plan and build a successful and sustainable city. Both divisions work to administer and manage a seamless and timely building and planning review and approvals process. Tightly coordinated efforts between the Building and Planning Divisions help to facilitate sound development and redevelopment in the City and improve the quality of life of residents.
Building Division
Phone: (705) 360-2625
Fax: (705) 360-2678
Email: building@timmins.ca
The Building Division is staffed by a Manager of Building (Chief Building Official), Senior Building Inspector, three Building Inspectors, a Plans Examiner and a shared Administrative Assistant. These employees are responsible for the administration of the Ontario Building Code (OBC) and associated guidelines and the municipal building by-law. In addition, the Division also administers a public education program to inform local residents and professionals of key matters relating to local and provincial building legislation and policies. The mandate of the Building Division is to ensure that development, redevelopment and building maintenance in the City occurs in a manner that will safeguard the public health and safety.
Under Building in the left menu, find information on building permits and a guide to site alterations.
Planning Division
Phone: (705) 360-2624
Fax: (705) 360-2678
Email: planning@timmins.ca
The Planning Division is staffed with a Manager of Planning, Community Development Planner, GIS Coordinator/ Research Assistant and a shared Administrative Assistant. The mandate of the Planning Division is to foster community improvement initiatives through the management of current and long range planning initiatives, the City’s land portfolio, the Community Improvement Plan, the City’s Geographic Information System (GIS), and a variety of other special projects.
Under Planning in the left menu, find information on the City's Official Plan, City land sales, site plan control, the zoning by-law, and relevant applications and guides.