
The City's Engineering Department is responsible for the required design and supervision of all new construction work on roads, sidewalks, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, water mains, and parking lots within the city of Timmins.  

The Engineering Department initiates studies related to traffic issues, infrastructure needs or geotechnical investigations. Larger projects requiring specialized knowledge, or short-term projects with significant manpower requirements, are contracted out according to the City’s purchasing policy with the Engineering Department managing any applicable projects.

The Engineering Department is responsible for approving engineering servicing plans in new subdivisions. The department also reviews and approves all underground or above ground utility plans within the right-of-way of the City of Timmins.

Along with the above, the Engineering Department provides the required technical support for many other City Departments.

Engineering Services


  • Preparation of construction drawings for various contracts
  • Maintain and update records of municipal services i.e., water and sewers
  • AutoCad mapping
  • Prepare as built plans of the new construction
  • Provide and maintain municipal street addresses for rural areas
  • Update master plans for underground sewers and water main
  • Update GIS layers


  • Quality assurance in construction work
  • Material testing of granular, concrete, asphalt, winter sand
  • Testing and inspection of subdivisions
  • Computerization of statistics for City of Timmins
  • Computerized inventory of water system, storm system, sanitary system and payment certificates


  • Preliminary survey of roads, underground structures for construction drawings
  • Survey during construction for roads, sewers etc.
  • Traffic surveys
  • Calculate preliminary and final quantities
  • Survey work for other departments
  • Survey for municipal addresses to rural areas

Design and Specifications

  • In house design, and specifications for reconstruction of roads, sewers, water mains, small bridges, culverts, etc.
  • Preparation of tender documents, tender calls, tender check, recommendation to the award of contracts
  • Preparation of terms of reference for consultants
  • Check feasibility reports, geotechnical reports, etc.
  • Provide estimates for construction projects, liaison between consultants and contractors
  • Inspection of bridges and culverts within the City of Timmins
  • Preparation of one year and five year plans of engineering projects