Line Painting

Line markings are essential for the safe and efficient movement of traffic, cyclists, and pedestrians. The City of Timmins is responsible for painting traffic and intersection markings, pedestrian crossings, stop bars, bike lanes, and crosswalks. Line painting season runs from approximately May until October, depending on the weather and temperature. The City uses waterborne paint based on environmental regulations set by the province of Ontario. 

Line painting involves one paint truck with one or two blocker trucks following behind.  These vehicles work to keep traffic safely back at an appropriate distance to allow the new paint lines to dry before they are driven over.

The City's line paint truck and blockers travel slowly at a maximum of 15 kilometres an hour. Driver should expect delays. Road paint typically takes only a few minutes to dry, but that can change depending on the temperature and humidity. It is recommended to stay off freshly painted lines on the road.

If you are following a line painting operation:

  • Use caution and maintain a safe distance behind the last vehicle (blocker truck)
  • Do not pass the vehicles or try to fit in between them. The paint is still wet and could spray up on your vehicle
  • On a two lane road or highway, passing immediately behind the last blocker vehicle


View recommendations for paint removal