Quality Improvement

Annual Report

Each year we prepare an annual report for the Golden Manor. The annual report provides a summary of the home’s activities and financial performance from the previous year, to provide key information to stakeholders including staff, residents, families, community partners, Committee of Management, and the public.

Key topics covered in the report include:

  • Residents’ and Family Council
  • Our Strategic Priorities
  • Occupancy, Demographics and Waitlist Data
  • Human Resources
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Quality Improvement
  • Accreditation
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Finance
  • Annual Report 2023 (link)

Continuous Quality Improvement Report

The Golden Manor Continuous Quality Improvement - Interim Report identifies Quality Priorities for 2022-23, the priority establishment process, the process for achieving these goals and the process to monitor and measure progress, identify and implement adjustments and communicate outcomes.

Quality Improvement Plan

Annually, organizations in the health care sector complete a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) to outline how they will improve the quality of care they provide and demonstrate their commitment to quality improvement.

The QIP includes:

  • The Progress Report that highlights and reflection of improvements made based on the previous year’s QIP
  • The Workplan identifies indicators, quality improvement targets, and specific actions that the organization is committing to for the coming year
  • The Narrative which is an executive summary of the QIP provides an opportunity to describe the context in which the organization quality improvement takes place

2023/2024 Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)