2025 - Segment 13

Hwy. 101 (Harold Ave.) from Crawford St. to the Porcupine River Bridge is Segment 13 of the City's Connecting Link and is scheduled for reconstruction in 2025. This section is priority due to the condition of the asphalt and aging infrastructure. Plans are for a 2-year construction period that will include full-depth reconstruction of the roadway, replacement of underground services, drainage improvements, new street lights and traffic signals. 

The project also includes safety improvements. A new sidewalk is being installed on the north side of the road from Crawford St. to the Porcupine Mall to increase walkability in the area. The entrance of the Integrated Emergency Services Complex, which includes the Whitney Volunteer Fire Hall, is being moved to align with the traffic lights at the Porcupine Mall. 

The City is also upsizing the current watermain, which will help build capacity and efficiency in the City's water distribution system.

No major detours are required for this segment. Work will be carried out through lane reductions only, with all business entrances being maintained. 

Project Details

Location: Crawford St. to Porcupine River Bridge
Value: $21,758,222
Contractor: GIP Interpaving Ltd.
Duration: 2-year contract
First Phase Completion: Fall 2025
Status: Awarded
Project Coordinator: Scott Collin

Construction Notice