Timmins Tisdale Reservoir Project

On this page:

1. Project News

2. Why is this project happening?

3. What work has been completed?

4. What work is being completed now?

5. Project Study Area

6. Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) 1: Video Presentation

7. Provide Feedback

Project News

October 24, 2024 - Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) and Public Input

A pre-recorded video presentation for the Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) is available for viewing. The presentation provides a summary of the study process, an overview of the five (5) site options considered, and a review of Site 5, the preliminary recommendation. Comments regarding this presentation are welcomed until November 14, 2024 via the survey form. PDF slides of the presentation are also available HERE.

October 10, 2024 - Notice of Study Commencement and Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC)

The City of Timmins is hosting a virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) by posting a recorded presentation detailing a summary of the study process, an overview of the five site options considered, and to collect input on Site 5 as the preliminary recommendation for the new reservoir (see Project Study Area). The recorded presentation and a short survey will be available from October 24, 2024 to November 14, 2024. View the Public Notice for the Study Commencement

Why is this project happening?

The City of Timmins is working with WSP Canada Inc. to determine the most feasible location for a new water storage reservoir closer to South Porcupine.

The existing Tisdale reservoir and pump station is aging and experiencing structural issues, which could pose a risk to water service and distribution for the Porcupine neighbourhood. As well, the two-trunk watermains that deliver water from the reservoir are at the end of their useful lives.

The goal of this project is to provide a new water storage reservoir closer to South Porcupine to supply safe and reliable drinking water. This will also assist the City in planning for the future and addressing increased demand on the water system’s capacity.

What work has been completed?

The City has retained WSP Canada Inc. to complete a Schedule ‘B’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) process for this project. The Class EA process evaluates alternatives, assesses potential effects, and identifies measures to avoid or reduce project impacts.

Phase 1 of the process has been completed, which defined the potential opportunities and challenges of the project. The study was initiated in May 2024, and since then WSP has been working with the City’s Growth and Infrastructure Department to complete background work and field studies. This work provides a better sense of the key issues revolving around the Tisdale Reservoir and identifies the best way to address the servicing issue by finding an alternate location to replace the reservoir.

As part of Phase 1, a project study area was established that includes the site of the existing reservoir and potential locations where connections to the existing water distribution system and watermains are possible. The City has identified five (5) potential sites that could accommodate the reservoir and reasonably connect to the existing water distribution system.

What work is being completed now?

We are now entering Phase 2. We are asking for the community’s input on a potential solution to replace the Tisdale Reservoir. We will look at feasible solutions to address the challenges and opportunities associated with the Tisdale Reservoir and the water servicing needs of the community.

The purpose of this phase is to identify preferred solutions and ideas that will help guide the development of a more detailed reservoir design, which will be developed after this study is complete in 2025. The evaluation and identification of a preferred design is based on thinking about:

  • potential impacts to the social, cultural, economic and natural environments
  • public, agency and Indigenous consultation
  • technical/engineering considerations

Project Study Area

PSA - Tisdale Reservoir

Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) 1

Provide Feedback

The virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) provides a summary of the study process, an overview of the five (5) site options considered, and a review of Site 5, the preliminary recommendation for the new reservoir location (see the Project Study Area).

We are asking for your feedback on the preliminary recommendation that Site 5 (Gold Mine Road) be the location of the new reservoir, and to provide comment or additional questions on the study process or evaluation of the site options. 

Provide feedback by filling out this short survey before Thursday, November 14, 2024


Project Team Members:

Joseph Polowy
Project Coordinator, City of Timmins

Loren Polonsky
Senior Environmental Planner
WSP Canada Inc.


Key Dates:

October 10, 2024: Notice of Study Commencement

October 24, 2024: Virtual Public Information Centre (PIC) 1

October 24, 2024: Public Input Survey Opens

November 14, 2024:Deadline for public input


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