End Homelessness - Data and Results

Number of people actively experiencing homelessness

A By-Name List (BNL) determines the number of people who are experiencing homelessness. The list is a real-time count of all known people experiencing homelessness in our community. It includes a robust set of data points that support coordinated access and prioritization at a household level and an understanding of homeless inflow and outflow at a system level.

Timmins (Municipal)

Data from the district numbers has been separated from the municipal data to give a more accurate and detailed analysis of both district-specific and municipal specific information. This is vital in providing a more detailed, localized and actionable understanding of homelessness . Sharing local data is crucial for effective and equitable responses and resources.


In Q4 of 2023, the homelessness statistics in Timmins indicate a promising trend. The numbers show a gradual decline with 240 individuals reported in November, followed by 213 in December. While these figures suggest progress in housing efforts, it’s important to consider other factors such as the inactivity of individuals on the By-Name list, where the data is temporary without reflecting an actual decrease. While the decline is encouraging, it’s important to address housing instability.

The City of Timmins will continue to present both district and municipal data so that the community is aware of how the municipality fits into the larger district.

ByName Timmins

Cochrane District (Regional)

Homeless Cochrane

Throughout Q4 of the reporting year, homelessness within the district witnessed an increase, with numbers rising from 311 in October to 349 by December’s end. The Cochrane District includes data from Timmins, Moosonee, Cochrane, Kapuskasing, Hearst, Matheson, and Iroquois Falls. These towns face unique challenges contributing to homelessness. Reporting on the district allows for an understanding of the shared challenges and opportunities for collaboration among neighbouring communities.

Cochrane Byname

Homelessness Q2

Source: CEAH Monthly By-Name List Data Submission

*The actual total is potentially higher, given that many people who are unhoused live with friends or relatives, and do not come into contact with emergency shelters.

**People who are chronically homeless have experienced homelessness for a period of 6 months in the past year or 18 months in the past 3 years.

The increase of individuals on the By-Name List (BNL) from December 2022 to June 2023 means that new people are being identified as homeless. The closer we get towards an accurate and quality number, the closer we will be able to service homelessness by understanding unique needs in order to match individuals to appropriate housing resources.

Number of Individuals Housed (Cochrane District) based on By-Name List

There has been substantial progress made in housing individuals experiencing homelessness. In Q3, 48 individuals in the District were successfully housed based on the By-Name List (BNL). The BNL allows proper identification of needs and proven targeted support, to guide individuals towards stable housing.
