Front row: Councillor John Curley, Mayor Michelle Boileau, Councillor Andrew Marks
Back Row: Councillor Cory Robin, Councillor Steve Black, Councillor Lorne Feldman, Councillor Bill Gvozdanovic, Councillor Rock Whissell, Councillor Kristin Murray
The governing body for the City of Timmins is the Municipal Council. The Municipal Council consists of the Mayor and eight councillors from each of the City’s five wards. The role and authority of Council is established under the Municipal Act.
The job of Council is to make decisions about municipal financing and services, which impact how services are provided to you.
Term of Council
Council is elected for a four year term. The current term of office is from November 15, 2022 to November 14, 2026.
Council & Committee Meetings, Agendas and Minutes

Our CivicWeb Portal gives you access to the City Council's meeting calendar, agendas, minutes, resolutions, and by-laws. Sign up to receive notices when agendas and minutes are posted.
Click on the CivicWeb Portal icon above to be redirected to the portal.
How to watch council meetings
Stream live council meetings or watch previous council meetings on demand under Council Webcasts.
City Council - Ward information
Click on the links below to visit the web pages for Wards 1 to 5.
Code of Conduct and Complaint Protocol
Code of Conduct for Members of Council and Complaint Protocol
Code of Conduct for Members of Council - Complaint Form - Informal
Code of Conduct for Members of Council - Complaint Form - Formal
Request for Delegation
To speak during a council meeting, you must make a request for delegation. A 'delegation' is a person or group who is appearing to make a presentation to council.
Any member of the public wishing to present to council must complete the Request Form. The deadline to submit a request for delegation is 4:00 p.m. on the Friday, one week (8 days) prior to the Regular or Special Council Meeting.
Requests can be submitted to the Clerk's Department by:
email: [email protected]
In-person or by mail to: Service Timmins, City Hall
220 Algonquin Blvd. E., Timmins ON P4N 1B3
Delegation before City Council- Request Form