Over the next 25 years, Timmins is expected to grow. Shifts in population, employment, and housing will change the landscape of our community. The City of Timmins is conducting a Growth Management Study that will help provide a long-term vision and strategy for Timmins. The study will provide direction on where and how residential and employment growth should occur to best benefit the community.
A key objective of the Growth Management Study is to update information on population, housing, and employment forecasts for the City of Timmins to 2051. The study will also form the foundation for the City's Official Plan Review.
Public engagement is an important part of this process.
The Growth Management Study is a chance to engage the public and community partners on a renewed vision for the City of Timmins that harnesses new opportunities for the area. Community engagement and participation is a vital component of the process, and the City is committed to creating a range of opportunities to participate in the conversation.
Planning how we grow and change will help us create a sustainable community that has the resources, amenities, and infrastructure we need to attract new residents, businesses, and services.
On this page:
1. What is a Growth Management Study?
2. Work Plan
3. Community Engagement
What is a Growth Management Study?
A Growth Management Study (GMS) includes a background review of the city, technical analysis and community consultations on growth potential, and planning policy recommendations.
A GMS is meant to guide decision-making and policy development related to growth management, land needs, and long-term planning for municipal services.
Timmins Growth Management Study will accomplish the following:
- Explore the economic and demographic factors that may impact growth potential for Timmins.
- Assess where and how population, housing, and employment growth can occur to the year 2051.
- Prepare an urban land needs analysis to determine if Timmins has a sufficient supply of land to accommodate forecasted growth. This would include an assessment of future housing, commercial, and employment area land needs.
The study will also review the City's current Official Plan and provide strategic policy recommendations specific to long-term growth management, which will help inform potential amendments to the City's Official Plan.
City's undertake a Growth Management Study in order to manage growth and development in a sustainable and organized way. The study will help coordinate infrastructure investments to the year 2051, ensuring that the city and community are ready to thrive.
Work Plan
The City's Planning Division has engaged a team of consultants, led by Watson & Associations Economists Ltd., in association with J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd., to undertake the study.
The study is divided into three phases:
Phase 1: Review and analysis « WE ARE HERE
Phase 2: Preparation of draft Growth Management Study
Phase 3: Refinement and adoption
Phase 1: Project initiation, information gathering and research, development of community engagement plan, and background report. Provided: Background Discussion Paper
Phase 2: Growth trends analysis, identification of opportunities to accommodate growth, and development of growth forecasts and land needs assessment. Pending: Draft Growth Management Strategy Report
Phase 3: Refinement and adoption. Pending: Final Growth Management Strategy Report