Phone: (705) 264-1816
The Timmins and District Humane Society provides assistance for Animal Control by housing and caring for animals who are stray or surrendered.
Who Should You Call?

If you find any pet running at large within the City of Timmins, your first step is to call Pads K9 (705-531-2998), who are presently under contract with the City of TImmins for animal control services. They will bring the animal(s) to TDHS where they will be housed until either their family claims them, or they are forfeited to the legal care of TDHS.
If it is a matter of animal welfare, perhaps a cat requires medical care they are not receiving, or a dog does not have proper housing, food or water, then you call the Provincial Animal Welfare Society (1-833-9-ANIMAL), who are responsible for investigating concerns for animal cruelty, abuse and neglect.
You can visit TDHS at for more information on their services.
Tuco's Trust: New TDHS Fundraising Initiative
Everyday an animal is in need of life saving medical care! More often than not, those animals come to the Timmins and District Humane Society ("TDHS"), because we are their last resort - their last chance! Tuco was one such case! A sweet, loving and happy fellow who came to us with significant malformed back legs that impacts his hips and mobility. Specialist stated that ideally Tuco would undergo multiple surgeries. Unfortunately, the surgeries would cost up to $20,000 - a cost we simple could not afford as a small charity. Tuco is still with us and living on the alternative treatment plan, which is long-term pain management, a supportive health program, and physical assessments every six months while awaiting his forever home!
Inspired by Tuco's story and wanting to be able to ensure that every animal that care to us was never at risk of not being helped due to finances, we decided to create Tuco's Trust. A trust whose goal is to raise and maintain $50,000 through the generous support of our community and beyond. Please donate and make Tuco's Trust come alive for all the animals that need us to be their voice, their advocate - their champion! Visit to lend your support!
Toxicity and Your Pets: Know the Symptoms
With the summer months upon us, our furry loved ones are out and about and potentially exposed to some scary toxins. Here are some of the most common. Remember, if you suspect your pet has encountered a toxic substance, contact your vet immediately!
Marijuana: Symptoms include fatigue, hyper reaction to stimuli, backend unsteadiness and dribbling urine.
Anti-Freeze: Anti-Freeze is sweet so it can attract animals and only a small amount is needed to be fatal. Symptoms include a wobbly gait.
Rodent Poison: Symptoms include internal bleeding that occurs over a couple of days. Often owners will be unaware until it is too late.
Pesticides: Found in your everyday grass and gardens. Symptoms include gastrointestinal upset.