Hollinger Open Pit Community Feedback Protocol
There are two ways in which the public can provide community feedback to Newmont Porcupine regarding environmental concerns (e.g. noise, vibration, dust) with the Hollinger Open Pit, which are as follows:
1. Through a web-based interactive ‘Community Feedback Protocol’ application developed by Newmont Porcupine which allows the public to provide immediate feedback to the mining company on all potential issues including noise, vibration, dust or any other issues relevant to the Hollinger Open Pit Mine. Visit the Community Feedback Protocol application.
2. Through an e-mail address created by Newmont Porcupine specifically for community feedback as part of the ‘Community Feedback Protocol’. The e-mail address is
[email protected].
Your e-mail is sent directly to Newmont Porcupine.
It is important to note that the Site Plan Control Agreement requires that Newmont Goldcorp operate within the established environmental parameters of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MOECP). Should you determine that there have been exceedances of those parameters for dust, noise and/or vibration, please utilize the Complaint Resolution Protocol. Should Newmont Goldcorp not properly address the complaints in a timely/reasonable manner in order to comply with provincial requirements, your concerns may be escalated with the MOECP. If the City is advised by the MOECP that Newmont Goldcorp is not meeting provincial standards, it may, at that time, be deemed to be non-compliant with the Site Plan Control Agreement.