Outreach Services

Value: $260,083
Status: Approved
Start Date: August 2023
Timeline: 1-year pilot project
Department: Administration
Contractor: Mushkegowuk Fire Keeper Patrol

At the August 8, 2023 council meeting, City Council approved the contract for a new outreach services pilot project for Timmins. The City's contribution to the project was previously approved as part of the 2023 budget after recommendation from the Downtown BIA. The cost is covered by the City's portion of the municipal accommodation tax (MAT). The Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board is contributing $125,000 towards this pilot program.

The outreach services project has been awarded to Mushkegowuk Fire Keeper Patrol.


The project is designed to provide an enhanced level of community outreach for people who are experiencing homelessness and sleeping outdoors. Outreach services will connect individuals with housing and other well-being supports in order to move them off the street or out of encampments into long-term, stable housing. The City recently formalized an encampment protocol to prioritize outreach as a first step to ensuring that individuals in encampments have access to safe, indoor spaces and essential supports.

Outreach services will be offered daily between 4:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m., 365 days per year.


Mushkegowuk Fire Keeper Patrol is required to keep daily outreach reports and provide regular reporting to the municipality.