Please review the criteria below and submit your flag-raising request using the form below.
Non-profit or charitable organizations may request for the City of Timmins to fly the following flags on our courtesy flag poles:
- Flags of nations recognized by the Government of Canada on a country's national days or on the anniversary of a special occasion; or
- Flags of non-profit or charitable organizations
Please note:
- Upon request, the flags of nations may be flown once within the calendar year for either a country's national day or on the anniversary of a special occasion
- Requests to use the courtesy flagpole will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis
- Your flag-raising request should be received three to four weeks in advance of the request date
- Organizations with approved flag-raising requests are required to provide a flag with metal grommets along the vertical section (staff or hoist) of the flag
- The flag must be delivered to City Hall one week in advance of the flag-raising date
Requests will not be approved for
- Political parties or organizations
- Religious organizations or in celebration of religious events
- Commercial entities or in celebration of corporate events
- Intent that is contrary to City policies and bylaws
- Organizations requesting the flag-raising that espouse discrimination, hatred, violence or racism
- Flags of nations that have already flown on a courtesy flag pole within the same calendar year
Required information
- Official letterhead
- Proposed date and time of flag-raising ceremony
- Purpose of flag-raising
- Ceremony details (if a ceremony is required)