Community Development Committee

Terms of Reference

The mandate of the City of Timmins Community Development Committee is to facilitate community growth and development through a “one-stop shop” and to advise City Council on matters pertaining to community development. 


The Committee is responsible for dealing with the following matters:

  1. To develop and direct key project initiatives that will foster growth and development within the municipality.
  2. Real Property matters dealing with City Land (e.g. sales, acquisition, leases, easements, etc.).
  3. To ensure that the community is aware of the mandate and availability of the Community Development Committee by actively promoting the availability and accessibility of the Committee to residents, business people, developers and other professionals for the purposes of discussing or resolving any issues pertaining to community and land development.

The authority of the Committee will not impact upon the decision-making capacities of each of the respective Department Heads and in particular Council. For instance, the Committee is not expected to authorize City land sales but rather make recommendations to Council for their approval. Should a department or Department Head have comments/concerns on the recommendation to Council, the Department Head should forward comments/concerns to the Planning Division and it will be added to the report.

In addition, any concerns brought forward dealing with operational matters, should be directed to the appropriate Department Head or Council for resolution.


The Core City Staff Members of the Committee include:

Voting members:

  • Chief Administration Officer
  • Director of Community Services and City Clerk
  • Timmins Economic Development Corporation
  • Director of Financial Services
  • Director of Growth and Infrastructure
  • Director of Public Works and Environmental Services
  • Manager of Planning (the Chair)
  • Community Development Planner

Administrative and Resource members:

  • Clerk coordinator
  • Mattagami Region Conservation Authority Regulations Officer
In addition to the core city staff members, other municipal staff or key stakeholders may be requested to attend meetings for the purpose of offering their input on matters falling within their respective areas of expertise. 


The Committee will meet every other Tuesday, on an opposite rotation of Council. Meetings from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. Special meetings may be called from time to time as required.

In order to be included on the agenda, matters must be brought forward no later than noon on the Thursday prior to the meeting in question. Meeting materials are circulated by 12 noon on the Friday prior to the Tuesday meeting.

In the absence of the Chair, the Director of Growth and Infrastructure shall chair the meeting and in the absence of the Secretary, the Director of Community Services and City Clerk shall take the minutes.


Quorum is required in order for the meeting to take place. Quorum is considered a simple majority.

Members are required to advise the Chair, Secretary and the Community Development Planner prior to the meeting should they not be able to attend.


The Committee reports directly to City Council through the Chief Administrative Officer. The minutes of meetings and any reports, including recommendations of the Committee, are forwarded to members of Council by the Clerks Department.


Whenever possible, recommendations will be reached by consensus. Should consensus not be achieved, then a vote will be held.

After the meeting, the recommendation is to be circulated to all members. The members will be given 7 business days to provide comments to the Planning Division. This allow those absent to provide comments as well as the departments that do not support the decision to have comments included in the report to Council for consideration.

Once the Committee has reached a recommendation, the Planning Division will provide the applicant with a letter indicating the Committees recommendation on the request and the next steps, the respective department shall be cc’d on the letter/e-mail to the applicant (including the Clerks Department). This will serve as notice to the Department.


Administrative support: The Clerks Department will be responsible for securing adequate meeting locations, times, preparing agendas and recording the minutes. The Clerks Coordinator will be the main contact and lead for the Committee.

Planning related support: The Planning Division is responsible for CDC inquiries and submission from internal staff and members of the public. All questions relating to agenda items are to be directed to the Planning Division. The Community Development Planner will be the main contact.


Terms of Reference are to be reviewed every 4 years at the beginning of the new Council Term.