City Land Sales

City Land Sales

By-law 2019-8360 provides the framework for the overall management of the municipality’s real property portfolio, which is deemed to include facilities, surface (land), timber, mineral, and other rights. As such, this policy provides functional guidance for the overall management of the corporate real property portfolio including the acquisition of lands required for municipal purposes as well as for the disposal of municipal lands that are surplus to the municipality’s present and known future requirements.

If any listings for City land sales and Sale of land by public tender (Tax Arrears Sale), they will appear below.

 Sale of Land by Public Tender (Tax Arrears Sale)

For further information regarding the Sale of Land by Public Tender (Tax Arrears Sale) indicated above, please contact Service Timmins at (705) 264-1331 or by email at [email protected]

For further information regarding City Land Sales indicated below, please contact the Planning Division

Phone: (705) 360-2624
Fax: (705) 360-2678
Email: [email protected]

Jan 01, 0001