Grants to Organizations and Groups

The City of Timmins recognizes the valued contributions being provided through the volunteer efforts of community organizations and agencies. Corporate donations demonstrate Council’s commitment to working with groups that provide beneficial programs, services or projects, while at the same time recognizing the financial constraints impacting the municipality’s ability to provide funding to these groups.

The policy establishes eligibility requirements; identifies the types of funding available; and outlines the application and monitoring requirements. Preferences will be given to organizations that demonstrate community support, efficient use of resources, sound business practices and develop volunteer knowledge, skills and self-reliance and that may create or have local economic impacts.

Every year the City receives multiple donation/grant requests. The objective of this policy is to treat all organizations fairly and consistently. The aim of the municipal grants/donation program is to share available resources throughout the City. Grants and donations are intended to provide modest levels of support and assistance to community non-profit organizations and groups.

Each year, as part of its annual budget process, Council determines the amount of funding to be provided for all municipal grants and donations including: community organization grants and donations, in-kind contribution grants, special event grants and community events grants. All applications for funding shall be received by November 30 to be considered as eligible to receive funds from the account in the following year’s budget for the City of Timmins.

Jump to policy and fillable grant application.

Types of grants and donations

The different types of grants awarded under the municipal grants and donations program are identified as follows:

Community organization grants and donations funds to assist with the general operating expenses of the group, including administrative costs and program related expenses.

In-kind contribution grants and donations are based on the provision of municipal property or facilities, materials or resources to an applicant, and do not include the provision of cash funds to, or on behalf of, the applicant. While cash funds are not provided in relation to in-kind grants, it is recognized that such grants will involve either an expense or foregone revenue for the municipality. Each application for in-kind grants will include the estimated value of the application under consideration and may include set up and tear down, and in certain instances Licensed Security Guards may be required after hours(applies to tents and stage), in the event that tents were used then drying costs may also apply. The stage can only be installed by trained employees.

Conditional Grant Council may approve conditional grants which are larger grants that may be used to offset some operational costs or taxes. When a conditional grant is issued the funder shall be required to report back to Council on the use of the funds to ensure they were used accordingly by providing any statistical data that may be requested. In the event that the report is not submitted any future funding shall be forfeited.

Special events are defined as any one time or first-time event that is of cultural, social or recreational significance to the community in which may have the participation of more than one organization and or an event of municipal, provincial or national significance which would be expected to bring economic and/or public relations benefit to the City.

Community event is defined as a recurring event that Council has determined provides significant benefit to the broad community, and is open to all members of the public.


Funding eligibility

An applicant organization shall be required to meet the following general criteria in order to be considered for a City of Timmins grant and/or donation:

  • Applicants must be non-profit community groups and organizations that have been in existence for a minimum of one year. (This does not mean that each community group or organization has to be a registered non-profit organization under the Canada Revenue Agency).
  • Applicant’s organization must be governed by community-based volunteer Board of Directors or committee or membership must provide a letter of confirmation demonstrating approval of the proposal.
  • There can only be one application per organization/project per year.
  • Grant applicants should be able to demonstrate active fund-raising efforts to support the continuation of the program, project or service. The City of Timmins grant should not be considered as the primary source of funding for the organization.
  • Funding requests can be defined as events/projects/programs that support, sustain, promote, inform, educate, celebrate, preserve, and or provide access to the arts, culture, environment, heritage, and recreation and/or healthy living activities.
  • Events that provide an economic impact/benefit to the community shall also be considered.
  • Each application must demonstrate there is a need for financial assistance and that adequate funding from other sources is not available.
  • The organization shall show evidence that it has fully explored other sources of financial support including upper levels of government, foundations, private industry, churches, United Way, and user fees if applicable.
  • An organization receiving financial assistance from the City of Timmins should not act in the capacity of a funding body for, or make grants or donations to any other group or organization.
  • Grants or donations shall be used only for the purpose approved by Council. The recipient shall notify Council of any proposed material changes to the nature of the budget for the activities for which the grant has been made and shall use the grant for such altered activities only with the prior consent of Council.
  • Requests for free ice rentals for tournaments held at municipal facilities will not be considered; relief from summer rental rates shall be considered for season ending tournaments.
  • The recipient shall repay the whole or any part of the grant, as determined by the City of Timmins, if the recipient: ceases operations; ceases to operate as a non-profit organization; merges or amalgamates with another party; has knowingly provided false information in its application; uses funds for purposes not approved by Council; breaches any of the these terms and conditions.
  • Any unused portion of a grant remains the property of the City of Timmins. If any unused portion has already been paid to the recipient, it shall be repaid by the recipient upon request.
  • Funding will not be provided for accumulated deficits or funding shortfalls of any organization. Financial assistance consideration is based only on budget revenues and expenditures in the year for which the assistance is requested.
  • The applicant organization, with the current fiscal year, must spend any grant funding on the sole purpose for which it was awarded.
  • An organization receiving funds shall include the City of Timmins and Community Brand Logos on all ads, promotional materials and broadcasts or internet.



Only one grant or donation request per organization per year will be considered. All applications shall be submitted in writing and if possible with the following information and documentation. If applications are submitted without all of the items requested below the application will be returned and the applicant will be advised of the incomplete application and the request shall not be considered until such time that a complete application is received.

1. The organization’s purpose, function and the service it provides to the community.
2. The amount of financial assistance required.
3. The benefits in the community resulting from the grant.
4. A detailed proposed budget for current year, detailing expenditures and revenues, including a list of all other grants and or donations.
5. Financial statements from the immediate preceding fiscal year.
6. A listing of the current Board of Directors, including addresses and phone numbers.
7. A copy of the minutes taken at the most recent annual general meeting or at a regular meeting of the applicant organization.

For more information and the application form please review the Grants to Organization policy:

Policy and Fillable Form - Grants to Volunteer Organizations