The City of Timmins Public Works is declaring a Significant Weather Event under the provisions of the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways (O.Reg 239/02). Starting at 6:00 PM Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Due to the winter storm warning issued by Environment Canada and modeling with the amount of snow forecasted, we are anticipating delays in the plowing of some city streets and roads along with most city sidewalks. City resources will be deployed when deemed appropriate. Environment Canada is predicting a major winter storm with snow, heavy at times, and local blowing snow expected to begin tonight and continuing through Friday before tapering off Saturday evening. Potential hazards include: • Total snowfall amounts of 20 to 40 cm. • Peak snowfall rates of 3 to 5 cm per hour. • Poor visibility in heavy snow and local blowing snow. Environment Canada advises residents to consider postponing non-essential travel until conditions improve. Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots may become difficult to navigate due to accumulating snow. Weather may also impact Timmins Transit service. Delays and/or cancellation of services may occur. Updates will be shared via the City website and social media. We also remind residents that the Winter Parking Ban is in effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30 unless otherwise posted. Residents are also reminded that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property onto the road or sidewalk. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. An additional notice will be posted to declare the end of the Significant Weather Event when the municipality determines is it appropriate to do so.
Timmins City Council has approved the use of municipal land located on Pine St. S. for an encampment response initiative in partnership with the Cochrane District Services Board (CDSB). Now, administration has been directed to enter into negotiations with CDSB on the lease or sale of the property. Final approval of the lease or sale will be confirmed once City Council is satisfied that an appropriate service plan is in place to support the H.O.P.E. (Housing, Outreach, Protection, and Engagement) initiative. The project would see modular units, similar to what is used in mining for remote camps, used to create up to 40 temporary shelter spaces. The H.O.P.E initiative would offer safe, secure shelter that addresses the immediate needs of people experiencing homelessness, while supporting the City’s efforts to manage encampments in public parks and spaces. Preliminary funding for the project was received in late January from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. On February 17, 2025, Council directed City staff to carry out community consultation to help inform site selection. Over 3,400 residents participated through a transparent engagement process, which included in-person focus groups and outreach for people with lived or living experience of homelessness. The Pine St. S. location received 33.61% of the public vote, with respondents preferring the distance from residential neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood impact was a key concern for over 48% of respondents, who worried about safety, property values, and overall neighbourhood well-being. “Community consultation was crucial to inform Council’s final decision on site selection,” says Mayor Michelle Boileau. “The challenge is balancing community concerns with practical service delivery, including how the City maintains safe public parks and playgrounds. We have an opportunity to work with the province to help address encampments in a way that prioritizes safety. Safety for individuals requiring temporary shelter, and safety for community members who have felt that their access to public spaces has been impeded.” City staff will continue to work with CDSB to ensure that municipal service requirements, including public transportation, waste management and sanitation, are available if required. Further communication on the H.O.P.E. initiative, including site preparation, service delivery, and facility management, will now be coordinated by CDSB. To review the results of the City’s community consultation process, visit:
Reduced load restrictions for commercial motor vehicles and trailers will come into effect on Friday, March 21, 2025 on specific highways and streets within the City of Timmins. By-law 2006-6275 governs load restrictions to protect our roads and highways during the spring thaw, when damage is most likely to happen. By-law 2006-6275 also provides a list of the applicable roads under Schedule A. The City’s Public Works Dept. uses the Ministry of Transportation’s Reduced Load Period (RLP) Table to determine the timing of reduced load restrictions. The table uses frost depth, moisture, and daily air temperatures to indicate when reduced load restrictions should be put in place and when they can be lifted. This ensures that the City’s road infrastructure is protected, while supporting the trucking and haulage industry by removed reduced load restrictions when appropriate. Roads with reduced loads in effect will have signage posted. Learn more about the how the City is working to maintain our roads online at
Over the next 25 years, Timmins is anticipated to grow. Shifts in population, employment, and housing will change the landscape of our community. Imagine what Timmins will be like in the year 2051? The City of Timmins is conducting a Growth Management Study that will help provide a long-term vision and strategy for Timmins. The City’s Planning Division is working with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., in association with J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd., to review Timmins’ population, housing, and employment forecasts. The study will provide direction on where and how residential and employment growth should occur to best benefit the community. It will also provide the foundation for the City’s Official Plan Review. Public engagement is an important part of this process. The City of Timmins is inviting residents to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns about the future growth and development of Timmins. A Public Open House on the City’s Growth Management Study is being held April 1, 2025 to discuss: population, housing, and employment growth potential social and economic trends that could impact municipal growth opportunities and challenges with growth and development Public Open House Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Location: McIntyre Community Centre (Auditorium), 85 McIntyre Rd., Timmins, ON P4N 8R8 Planning how we grow and change will help us create a sustainable community that has the resources, amenities, and infrastructure we need to attract new residents, businesses, and services. For more information on the City’s Growth Management Study, visit:
The City of Timmins is reviewing our waste management services to provide more convenient and equitable options for all residents. With rural landfill capacity becoming a concern, and with the transition to the new Blue Box recycling system, the City is exploring ways to improve service access while reducing landfill use. Timmins’ waste collection is currently completed in-house by municipal staff, with over 97% of residents receiving curbside collection services. Approximately 320 residents rely solely on rural landfill sites for disposal. The City is seeking feedback from residents who are currently using the German Twp., Evelyn Twp., or Thornloe Twp. Landfill Sites, on the introduction of curbside waste collection for eligible rural households. The goal is to ensure waste management services continue to meet the needs of the community. Residents can provide feedback in-person at one of the planned public open houses, or through an online survey beginning March 21, 2025 at Public Open House 1 Date: Monday, March 24, 2025 Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Location: Connaught Community Centre, Connaught, ON P0N 1A0 Public Open House 2 Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2025 Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Location: Timmins Public Library (Tembec Room), 320 Second Ave, Timmins, ON P4N 1B5 Municipal staff from the City’s Environmental Services Department will be on-hand to answer questions and discuss the benefits and challenges of rural curbside waste collection. Residents will have an opportunity to provide input and complete the survey. For more information on curbside waste collection, visit:
Timmins, ON – City of Timmins Public Works is declaring changes to the snow removal schedule for the week of March 22, 2025 to March 28, 2025 Areas being affected that will not have snow removal tomorrow due to mechanical issues will be re-scheduled for Monday, March 31, 2025. Friday, March 28, 2025 Porcupine: Spillenaar, Tyyne, Daniel, David, Grace. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Timmins, ON – City of Timmins Public Works is declaring changes to the snow removal schedule for the week of March 22, 2025 to March 28, 2025 Areas being affected that will not have snow removal due to mechanical failure and will be re-scheduled for a later date: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 Day Shift Snow Removal – South Porcupine: Bloor, Shamrock, Dome. Thursday, March 27, 2025 Timmins North: Hart (Murdock to Ross), Patricia (Eighth to Ross), Murdock. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
The City of Timmins Environmental Services Department wishes to advise the public of Emergency Watermain Break within the following area: Area: • Jubilee Ave. West between Melrose Blvd. & Rea St. North Date and Time of Disruption: • March 25, 2025, from 4pm to 12am All homes and businesses in the affected area could have coloured water, no water and/or lower water pressure during the repair. It is recommended not to drink or wash laundry with the discoloured water. While it is not harmful to your health, it can stain laundry. Should this occur, it is advised to turn on the COLD water tap closest to the source (usually your laundry tub tap) and let it run for approximately 15-20 minutes or until the colour has returned to normal. Environmental Services would like to thank residents for their patience and cooperation during this work.
The City of Timmins Public Works is declaring the end of the Significant Weather Event effective Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 6:00 p.m. that was issued under the provisions of the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways (O.Reg 239). We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
The City of Timmins Environmental Services Department wishes to advise the public of Emergency Watermain Break within the following area: Area: • Balsam St N. Between Seventh Ave & Eight Ave Date and Time of Disruption: • March 24, 2025, from 10am to 6pm All homes and businesses in the affected area could have coloured water and/or lower water pressure during the repair. It is recommended not to drink or wash laundry with the discoloured water. While it is not harmful to your health, it can stain laundry. Should this occur, it is advised to turn on the COLD water tap closest to the source (usually your laundry tub tap) and let it run for approximately 15-20 minutes or until the colour has returned to normal. Environmental Services would like to thank residents for their patience and cooperation during this work.
Timmins City Council has directed staff to undertake community consultation on a proposed location for H.O.P.E (Housing, Outreach, Protection, and Engagement), an encampment response initiative in partnership with the Cochrane District Services Board. If approved, the plan would designate space for modular structures as temporary housing alternatives to encampments. H.O.P.E was approved for funding in late January through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, in response to increasing municipal concerns over the safety of encampments, particularly in public spaces. While $3.2 million has been approved for the project, Timmins City Council has requested that community consultation be carried out immediately to help inform site selection. The City has identified four municipally owned locations based on the following key criteria: overall size, accessibility to essential services and supports, proximity to existing municipal infrastructure, feasibility of setting up needed utilities and amenities, and the overall safety and security of residents and the surrounding community. The public will be asked to review the proposed locations and identify which site they feel would be most suitable. Public consultation will begin on Monday, February 24, 2025 until Friday, March 14, 2025. On Monday, the City will provide a summary of each feasible location, including how each site meets key criteria, online at The project webpage will include a video presentation, short survey, and feedback form. The survey will be available in both French and English, and a printed copy can be picked up at and returned to Service Timmins before March 14, 2025. The City is committed to a structured and transparent community engagement process. Focus groups and partner discussions will also be conducted with community partners, service agencies, and people with lived or living experience of homelessness. For more information on the proposed H.O.P.E. initiative, see:
City Council has approved the 2025 taxation fund budget with a 3.43% increase over last year. The taxation fund budget outlines how the City will collect, spend, and invest funds to cover operating costs to maintain core services, and direct investment in capital. The taxation fund budget is the City’s portion of the full municipal budget. This total is combined with approved budgets from the City’s Agencies, Boards, and Commissions (ABCs), MPAC property assessments, and provincial education rates to arrive at the final property tax rate for 2025. Council is expected to approve the 2025 tax rates by April. 2025 Operating Budget The 2025 net operating budget is $38,758,611. The operating budget covers the cost of daily public services, such as maintenance of city roads, public transit, garbage collection, snow removal, and parks and arena maintenance. 2025 Capital Budget The 2025 net capital budget is $12,253,418, with an 18.2% increase from last year. Capital funds support the creation, repair, or replacement of municipal assets that are required to deliver daily services to the community, including infrastructure like roads. This amount does not include capital expenses related to water and wastewater, which are approved as part of the separate utilities fund budget. This year’s capital budget includes: $2.5 million for road repair through the City’s “grind and pave” program (offset with funding) $1.1 million for phase 2 of Mattagami boat launch upgrades, including lighting, parking lot expansion, furniture, and fixtures $2.5 million for the construction of a bus wash facility for Timmins Transit (offset with funding) $1.2 million for St. Jean storm repairs (partially offset with reserve funds) Capital funds are also used for Golden Manor redevelopment and Connecting Link rehabilitation, with work being completed in 2025 from Crawford St. to Porcupine Bridge. “The City’s approved portion of the municipal budget represents a balance between delivering quality core services today, and setting Timmins up for a productive and sustainable tomorrow. Council continues to direct record investments in road rehabilitation and on improving our public parks and spaces. You’ll see upgrades to the Hollinger Park concert fields, installation of a dedicated cricket pitch, and money invested back into our facilities and arenas. We are moving forward on subdivision development, with a focused strategy to build more housing capacity and plan for future growth. This is a budget that supports progress, while recognizing the immediate needs of the community, and I’m proud of the work that Administration and staff have done to help deliver a plan that works for Timmins” ~ Mayor Michelle Boileau For more information on the 2025 budget, visit:
The City of Timmins is ready to move forward on subdivision development with $9 million in funding from the Ontario government’s Housing-Enabling Water Systems Fund. The funding helps municipalities expand critical water, wastewater, and storm water infrastructure. The City was approved for the Melrose Heights subdivision expansion, an essential project to help mitigate the housing shortage in Timmins. Available municipal land will be transformed into approximately 241 residential lots. The City plans to adopt a two-phase approach, beginning with the installation of over 2,100 meters of necessary infrastructure. “The province’s funding will be directed towards the engineering, design, and construction of essential water mains, storm, and sanitary sewers,” said Scott Tam, Director of Growth and Infrastructure. “Critical infrastructure like water supply and sewage systems are essential services that a subdivision needs to function effectively. Expansion of the Melrose Heights subdivision follows recommendations from the City’s Housing Action Plan. The plan was adopted by Council last July to address the current and future housing needs of Timmins. “Currently, the city is experiencing pressure on all levels of housing,” said Mayor Michelle Boileau. “By increasing the housing supply, we can support business development, improve and diversify the local economy, and plan for future growth. One of the plan’s key recommendations was to advocate for funding from upper levels of government to move subdivision development forward. I want to thank Minister Surma and the Ministry of Infrastructure for supporting critical housing-enabling infrastructure. Details on the City’s Timmins Housing Action Plan are available online at:
Last week, Mayor, councillors, and senior City staff attended the 2024 Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Conference in Ottawa. In an update released by AMO on August 23, the conference was referred to as “record-setting” with over 3,300 participants in attendance. Timmins’ delegation used the opportunity to push for increased provincial funding for several key priorities, including housing, infrastructure, and recreation. In a meeting with the Honourable Minister Paul Calandra, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the City’s Housing Action Plan was presented with a focus on expanding critical infrastructure for subdivision development. Mayor Michelle Boileau and City staff will continue the conversation on Tuesday when Calandra makes a stop in Timmins. At the conference, Ontario announced another round of funding for housing-related infrastructure, a potential for the City to secure costs required to build, maintain, or repair core assets that support the construction of new homes. The City’s meeting with Parliamentary Assistant Amarjot Sandhu, Ministry of Infrastructure, discussed the funding requirements and how the City can continue to improve and expand municipal infrastructure to combat the housing shortage. “Both meetings were positive,” said the City’s Chief Administrative Officer Dave Landers. “We have about 15 minutes to make a case for what we need now to move Timmins’ forward. We need funding from upper levels of government to help us build more homes, specifically to help us make sure we have the infrastructure capacity to service new subdivisions.” The province also announced details of a new Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund to help upgrade existing or build new recreation facilities. The announcement came before the City’s meeting with the Honourable Neil Lumsden, Minister of Sport, to discuss funding options for the proposed multi-purpose recreation facility. Design and study costs related to the project could be eligible for funding, and the City will also look for additional projects that may qualify under the same program. “The timing of the province’s announcement was ideal,” said Mayor Michelle Boileau. “We were prepared to talk about how the proposed multi-purpose facility will not only improve access to local sports and recreation programming, but allow Timmins to host more events and expand tourism opportunities. Our vision is very much in line with the province’s commitment to provide access to modern facilities that support community growth and sustainability. What I took from the meeting is that our plans for a new multi-purpose facility need to incorporate both recreation and well-being opportunities.” While the City’s meeting with the Honourable Prabmeet Sarkaria on Hwy. 67 (Municipal Rd.) was not definitive, the Minister of Transportation has committed to come to Timmins and see the state of the road, while continuing to explore solutions for Timmins and Iroquois Falls. Both communities have been asking that maintenance and costs of Hwy. 67 be uploaded to the province. Mayor Boileau also met with the Honourable Sylvia Jones, Ontario’s Health Minister, as part of the Northern Ontario Large Urban Mayors (NOLUM) delegation on physician recruitment and retention. When the minister asked for ideas on how to combat the doctor shortage, Mayor Boileau’s recommendation was clear. Continue to invest in local healthcare facilities with the goal of making them state-of-the-art, with the equipment and resources that attract doctors and healthcare practitioners. “The province can help create workplaces where physicians will want to practice,” adds Boileau. “Modern, innovative, efficient, with access to the equipment and infrastructure that healthcare professionals will seek out.”
Sault Ste. Marie, ON (2024 08 15) – The mayors of Northern Ontario’s five largest municipalities have endorsed the ‘Solve the Crisis’ campaign launched by Ontario’s Big City Mayors, and are calling on the Government of Ontario to implement the campaign’s recommended actions. Like the communities represented by Ontario’s Big City Mayors, the Northern Ontario Large Urban Mayors (NOLUM) municipalities – Greater Sudbury, North Bay, Timmins, Thunder Bay, and Sault Ste. Marie – are grappling with the growing homelessness crisis. Despite their best efforts, these municipalities lack the necessary government support to effectively address the issue. Municipalities did not create the homelessness crisis and do not have the resources to solve it, yet they are being forced to manage its impacts. “Homelessness is an increasingly complex and challenging situation. Municipalities do not have the funding capacity or jurisdictional authority to implement the necessary programs and supports independently. We’re doing what we can, but we cannot do it alone,” said Sault Ste. Marie Mayor Matthew Shoemaker. “The Solve the Crisis campaign provides actionable steps that can make a meaningful difference in our communities. Through NOLUM, we have a unified voice and we’re using it to urge the government to implement the campaign’s recommendations,” said Thunder Bay Mayor Ken Boshcoff. The Solve the Crisis campaign is more than a call for help – it’s a comprehensive plan to assist municipalities in addressing this challenging situation. Key recommendations include: Appointing a single minister provincially to bring cross-ministry focus to this issue and fund that ministry appropriately. Have the new provincial minister strike a task force to advise and make recommendations on solutions to these issues with a cross-section of stakeholders and commit to funding the recommendations. Provide the municipality with resources to transition homeless and underused individuals to appropriate housing with the necessary supports Fund a 24/7 crisis response service across the province to relieve the pressure on hospital emergency centres and first responders. “Homelessness isn’t just an issue for the Greater Toronto Area. Small-to mid-sized municipalities, like those in Northern Ontario, are often overlooked when it comes to homelessness, making it crucial for NOLUM to highlight the impact across the north and advocate for the necessary support,” said Timmins Mayor Michelle Boileau. “We need increased support from the Provincial and Federal Governments, and we need it urgently. Like my colleagues, I’ve witnessed the profound impacts of homelessness, and I’m confident that the recommendations from the Solve the Crisis campaign will greatly benefit our communities,” said Greater Sudbury Mayor Paul Lefebvre. “Recent data from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing shows that homelessness continues to rise across Ontario. Municipalities are ready to help, and we’re bringing a plan to the table – we need the Province to step up and support our efforts,” added North Bay Mayor Peter Chirico. To learn more about the Solve the Crisis campaign, visit Ontarians are asked to participate in the campaign through the correspondence portal on the website and by contacting their local MPP.
Night Time Snow Removal 9:00 pm to 7:00 am From March 30, 2025 to April 3, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing night time snow removal in the areas listed below. Sunday, March 30, Starting 9:00 pm: Timmins West: Shirley, Park, Power, Joseph. Monday, March 31, Starting 9:00 pm: Timmins North: JV Bonhomme, College, Denise. Tuesday, April 1, Starting 9:00 pm: Timmins North: Westmount (College to Airport), Suzanne, Lonergan, Riverpark. Wednesday, April 2, 2025, Starting 9:00pm: Timmins North: Maclean, Theriault, Vimy. Daytime Snow Removal 7:30 am to 4:00 pm From March 31, 2025 to April 4, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing snow removal in the areas listed below. Monday, March 31, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins West: Lemieux, Lillian, Craig, Vanier, Lemoyne, School. Porcupine: Spillenaar, Tyyne, Daniel, David, Grace. Tuesday, April 1, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Hart (Murdock to Ross), Patricia (Eighth to Ross), Murdock. Porcupine: Hellen, Helmer, Fern. Wednesday, April 2, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Cherry, Empire, Murdock, Howard, Harmony, Burke. South Porcupine: Julie, Sony, Nadine, Crawford St N, Main St N, Moore St N, Legion St N. Thursday, April 3, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Hemlock, Tamarack, Spruce. Timmins West: Center, Woodland, Lynwood. Friday, April 4, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins: Churches and Store Fronts. South Porcupine: Strachan, Quebec, Evans, Laffin. Note on the Plan: The above plan or parts of the plan may be changed at any time and/or delayed if a winter storm is in effect or related to mechanical issues. The snow removal crew will change to a snow plowing operation. Those streets that may not be completed will be completed on the next available snow removal shift. Illegal placement of Snow from Residential Property onto Sidewalk and Road: A reminder that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property and place onto the road or sidewalk. Posted No Parking Signs Advising Winter Maintenance: Public Works would like to remind residents that yellow No Parking Signs will be posted to notify that Winter Maintenance will be taking place for daytime operations. Vehicles not complying with these No Parking signs will be ticketed and towed to allow for Snow Removal Crew to advance. Winter Parking Ban: A reminder that the Winter Parking Ban is effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30. Priority Sequence for Snow Removal Operations: Day Operation: Snow removal is never done in the area where Waste Collection is taking place. High density residential areas (Older Section of City: one-ways, narrow streets); Low density residential areas Night Operation: Highway sections; High density commercial sections; Main Arterial Routes. Safety: A reminder to respect safety signage as the safety of workers is very important. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Public Works
Night Time Snow Removal 9:00 pm to 7:00 am From March 23, 2025 to March 27, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing night time snow removal in the areas listed below. Sunday, March 23, Starting 9:00 pm: BIA: Pine (Fifth to Kirby), Cedar (Fifth to Kirby), Balsam (Fifth to First). Monday, March 24, Starting 9:00 pm: BIA: Spruce (Sixth to Kirby), Second, Third. Tuesday, March 25, Starting 9:00 pm: BIA: Birch (Fifth to Second), Maple (Fifth to Second), Elm (Fifth to Second). Wednesday, March 26, 2025, Starting 9:00pm: Timmins South: Cameron (Algonquin to Columbus), Preston (Algonquin to Southern), Mountjoy. Daytime Snow Removal 7:30 am to 4:00 pm From March 24, 2025 to March 28, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing snow removal in the areas listed below. Monday, March 24, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: First (Pine to Mountjoy), Elm (Second to Dead end), Maple (Second to Dead end). Porcupine: Ferguson, Lawrence, Clement Tuesday, March 25, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins West: Chenier, Maurice, Richard. Porcupine: Michener, Girdwood, Renison, Bergeron. Wednesday, March 26, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Rea (Algonquin to Jubilee), Belleview. South Porcupine: Bloor, Shamrock, Dome. Thursday, March 27, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins West: Camille, Laurentian. Timmins North: Hart (Murdock to Ross), Patricia (Eighth to Ross), Murdock. Friday, March 28, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins West: Greeningdon, Clifford, Chestnut. Porcupine: Spillenaar, Tyyne, Daniel, David, Grace. Note on the Plan: The above plan or parts of the plan may be changed at any time and/or delayed if a winter storm is in effect or related to mechanical issues. The snow removal crew will change to a snow plowing operation. Those streets that may not be completed will be completed on the next available snow removal shift. Illegal placement of Snow from Residential Property onto Sidewalk and Road: A reminder that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property and place onto the road or sidewalk. Posted No Parking Signs Advising Winter Maintenance: Public Works would like to remind residents that yellow No Parking Signs will be posted to notify that Winter Maintenance will be taking place for daytime operations. Vehicles not complying with these No Parking signs will be ticketed and towed to allow for Snow Removal Crew to advance. Winter Parking Ban: A reminder that the Winter Parking Ban is effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30. Priority Sequence for Snow Removal Operations: Day Operation: Snow removal is never done in the area where Waste Collection is taking place. High density residential areas (Older Section of City: one-ways, narrow streets); Low density residential areas Night Operation: Highway sections; High density commercial sections; Main Arterial Routes. Safety: A reminder to respect safety signage as the safety of workers is very important. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Public Works
Night Time Snow Removal 9:00 pm to 7:00 am From March 16, 2025 to March 20, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing night time snow removal in the areas listed below. Sunday, March 16, Starting 9:00 pm: Connecting Link South Porcupine: Harold (Beer Store to Tim Hortons), Bruce Ave, Main. Monday, March 17, Starting 9:00 pm: Connecting Link: HWY 101 East/Algonquin (Father Costello to Brunette). Tuesday, March 18, Starting 9:00 pm: Connecting Link: Riverside (Bridge to Shirley). Wednesday, March 19, 2025, Starting 9:00pm: Timmins North: Maclean, Theriault. Daytime Snow Removal 7:30 am to 4:00 pm From March 17, 2025 to March 21, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing snow removal in the areas listed below. Monday, March 17, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: Bannerman, Belanger. South Porcupine: William, Cecil, Broadway, O’Brian. Tuesday, March 18, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Birch (Fifth to Ninth), Balsam (Fifth to Ninth). Schumacher: Croatia, Father Costello Dr, Claimpost Trail. Wednesday, March 19, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: Rea (Belanger to Southern), Belanger. South Porcupine: Moore, Huot, Front. Thursday, March 20, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Rea (Powerline to Jubilee), Belleview. Timmins West: Chenier, Maurice, Richard. Friday, March 21, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins West: Clifford, Greeningdon, Chestnut. South Porcupine: Main St N (Harold to Dead End), Moore St N (Harold to Dead End), Legion St N (Harold to Dead End), Evans, Laffin. Note on the Plan: The above plan or parts of the plan may be changed at any time and/or delayed if a winter storm is in effect or related to mechanical issues. The snow removal crew will change to a snow plowing operation. Those streets that may not be completed will be completed on the next available snow removal shift. Illegal placement of Snow from Residential Property onto Sidewalk and Road: A reminder that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property and place onto the road or sidewalk. Posted No Parking Signs Advising Winter Maintenance: Public Works would like to remind residents that yellow No Parking Signs will be posted to notify that Winter Maintenance will be taking place for daytime operations. Vehicles not complying with these No Parking signs will be ticketed and towed to allow for Snow Removal Crew to advance. Winter Parking Ban: A reminder that the Winter Parking Ban is effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30. Priority Sequence for Snow Removal Operations: Day Operation: Snow removal is never done in the area where Waste Collection is taking place. High density residential areas (Older Section of City: one-ways, narrow streets); Low density residential areas Night Operation: Highway sections; High density commercial sections; Main Arterial Routes. Safety: A reminder to respect safety signage as the safety of workers is very important. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Public Works
Night Time Snow Removal 9:00 pm to 7:00 am From March 9, 2025 to March 13, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing night time snow removal in the areas listed below. Sunday, March 9, Starting 9:00 pm: BIA: Second, Wilson. Monday, March 10, Starting 9:00 pm: Timmins North: James, Toke, Pine. Tuesday, March 11, Starting 9:00 pm: Timmins South: Pine, Commercial. Wednesday, March 12, 2025, Starting 9:00pm: Timmins North: Ross Jubilee. Daytime Snow Removal 7:30 am to 4:00 pm From March 10, 2025 to March 14, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing snow removal in the areas listed below. Monday, March 10, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: Birch (Second to Ogden), Balsam (First to Ogden), Cedar (Kirby to Ogden). South Porcupine: Golden, Powell, Legion. Schumacher: Dwyer, Les Hall, Hollinger, Aura Lake, Lionscrest, Boundary, Battachio, Templeton. Tuesday, March 11, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Fifth, Maple, Elm. Timmins North: Borden, Laurier, Floral. Schumacher: Fourth, (Boundary to Ponderosa), Ponderosa, Brundy, Veterans, Claimpost Trail, Miners, Delost, Prospectors. Wednesday, March 12, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: Columbus, Sterling, Southern. Timmins South: Kimberly, Dale, Ogden. Porcupine: Lamarche, Conley St S, Bob’s Lake Drive, Jarvi, Gervais St S, Gauthier. Thursday, March 13, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: Montgomery, Wendy, Kent. Timmins North: John, Patricia (Eighth to Ross), Hart (Murdock to Ross). Timmins South: Spruce (Kirby to Machine shop), Lee, Moneta. Friday, March 14, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins: Churches and Storefronts. Timmins South: Way, Windsor, Middleton. South Porcupine: Main, Crawford, Powell. Note on the Plan: The above plan or parts of the plan may be changed at any time and/or delayed if a winter storm is in effect or related to mechanical issues. The snow removal crew will change to a snow plowing operation. Those streets that may not be completed will be completed on the next available snow removal shift. Illegal placement of Snow from Residential Property onto Sidewalk and Road: A reminder that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property and place onto the road or sidewalk. Posted No Parking Signs Advising Winter Maintenance: Public Works would like to remind residents that yellow No Parking Signs will be posted to notify that Winter Maintenance will be taking place for daytime operations. Vehicles not complying with these No Parking signs will be ticketed and towed to allow for Snow Removal Crew to advance. Winter Parking Ban: A reminder that the Winter Parking Ban is effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30. Priority Sequence for Snow Removal Operations: Day Operation: Snow removal is never done in the area where Waste Collection is taking place. High density residential areas (Older Section of City: one-ways, narrow streets); Low density residential areas Night Operation: Highway sections; High density commercial sections; Main Arterial Routes. Safety: A reminder to respect safety signage as the safety of workers is very important. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Public Works
Night Time Snow Removal 9:00 pm to 7:00 am From March 2, 2025 to March 6, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing night time snow removal in the areas listed below. Sunday, March 2, Starting 9:00 pm: Connecting Link: Algonquin (Mountjoy to the Mattagami Bridge). Monday, March 3, Starting 9:00 pm: Connecting Link: Riverside (Mattagami to Joseph). Tuesday, March 4, Starting 9:00 pm: Connecting Link: Riverside (Joseph to Shirley), Shirley. Wednesday, March 5, 2025, Starting 9:00pm: Connecting Link: Riverside (Shirley to Canadian Tire lights). Daytime Snow Removal 7:30 am to 4:00 pm From March 3, 2025 to March 7, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing snow removal in the areas listed below. Monday, March 3, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Couture, Jean, Malette. Schumacher: Father Costello Drive, Croatia, Grant, Vipond. Tuesday, March 4, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Lavigne, Westmount (Bartleman to College). Schumacher: Dwyer, Fourth Ave, Les Hall, Hollinger Lane. Wednesday, March 5, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins North: Hemlock (Fifth to Murdock), Tamarack (Fifth to Murdock), Spruce (Sixth to Eighth. Porcupine: Lamarche, Conley St S, Bob’s Lake Drive, Jarvi, Gervais St S, Gauthier. Thursday, March 6, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins South: Birch (First to Ogden), Balsam (Fifth to Ogden), Cedar (Kirby to Ogden). Schumacher: Aura Lake, Lionscrest, Boundary, Battachio, Templeton. Friday, March 7, Starting 7:30 am: Timmins: Churches and Storefronts. Schumacher: Fourth Ave (Boundary to Ponderosa), Ponderosa, Brundy, Veterans, Claimpost Trail, Miners, Delost, Prospectors. Note on the Plan: The above plan or parts of the plan may be changed at any time and/or delayed if a winter storm is in effect or related to mechanical issues. The snow removal crew will change to a snow plowing operation. Those streets that may not be completed will be completed on the next available snow removal shift. Illegal placement of Snow from Residential Property onto Sidewalk and Road: A reminder that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property and place onto the road or sidewalk. Posted No Parking Signs Advising Winter Maintenance: Public Works would like to remind residents that yellow No Parking Signs will be posted to notify that Winter Maintenance will be taking place for daytime operations. Vehicles not complying with these No Parking signs will be ticketed and towed to allow for Snow Removal Crew to advance. Winter Parking Ban: A reminder that the Winter Parking Ban is effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30. Priority Sequence for Snow Removal Operations: Day Operation: Snow removal is never done in the area where Waste Collection is taking place. High density residential areas (Older Section of City: one-ways, narrow streets); Low density residential areas Night Operation: Highway sections; High density commercial sections; Main Arterial Routes. Safety: A reminder to respect safety signage as the safety of workers is very important. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Public Works
Plans to begin annual rehabilitation of the City’s Connecting Link were given the green light at last night’s council meeting. Council has awarded the contract for Hwy. 101 reconstruction to GIP Interpaving Ltd. in the amount of $21,758,222 + HST. Segment 13 of the Connecting Link is scheduled this year, with work moving east from Crawford St. to the Porcupine River Bridge. Due to the length of the segment, work is planned over two years and includes full asphalt restoration, drainage improvements, and new street lights and traffic signals. A new sidewalk is being added to the north side of Hwy. 101 between Crawford St. and the Porcupine Mall, which will improve pedestrian safety and walkability along the busy thoroughfare. The City is also planning ahead for future growth and development by upsizing the current watermain, building capacity and efficiency in the City’s water distribution system. “Reconstruction of Segment 13 is top priority due to the age of the infrastructure and asphalt quality,” says Scott Tam, Director of Growth and Infrastructure. “We’re anticipating little to no disruption for residents, business owners, and drivers. This section will require temporary lane reductions only, with no significant traffic detours and minor delays. Access to business entrances will be maintained at all times.” As part of the project, improvements are also being made to the entrance of the Integrated Emergency Services Complex, which includes the Whitney Volunteer Fire Hall, by moving it to align with the traffic lights at the Porcupine Mall. “We have worked with AECOM to ensure that while we rehabilitate the road, we are actively making improvements that will better serve the community,” adds Tam. “We are working to support future development and improve safety along this important transportation corridor.” For more information on the Connecting Link, visit:
With Algonquin Blvd. E. now open following construction, we understand that there are some concerns with the timing sequence of the lights on Algonquin Blvd. E. between Mountjoy St. and Spruce St. New software and programming has been installed as part of road upgrades. Our staff are currently working with contractors to ensure that everything is working properly. This includes the new lights adjacent to Hollinger Park. We appreciate your patience and will continue to provide updates.
Algonquin Blvd. is scheduled to re-open to traffic between Cedar St. and Brunette Rd. on Thursday, November 21, 2024. This week, contractors will finish temporary line painting and begin turning on the traffic signals between Cedar St. and Brunette Rd., including the new traffic light and crossing on Algonquin Blvd. adjacent to Hollinger Park. The new traffic light for pedestrians and snowmobiles will add another stop along Algonquin Blvd. to allow for safe passage and access to service stations from one side of Algonquin to the other, particularly for snowmobiles accessing the trail network. This is a timed light with a standard green, yellow, and red sequence. Traffic will be stopped for three situations: on-demand pedestrian crossing, on-demand snowmobile crossing (seasonal only), and timed for left-turns exiting KFC. Starting today (November 18), crews will begin to remove the temporary traffic controls (traffic lights) at Brunette Rd./Second Ave. and Second Ave./Mountjoy St. S. Over the next 3 days, the temporary stop signs on Sixth Ave. (east-west traffic) will be removed. The traffic lights in the downtown core will return to signaled lights on weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Temporary speed limits on Airport Rd. from Laforest Rd. through the area of the Kraft Creek Bridge (approximately 1.25 km's) will be removed. The temporary heavy commercial truck traffic detour will end once Algonquin Blvd. re-opens. Timmins Transit’s Route 16 stop at Park Road Square will resume once Algonquin Blvd. is open. Reminder: The stop sign on Pine St. N. at Sixth Ave. is now a permanent 4-way stop. Once the detours are removed and the road is open, please use extra caution when driving. Obey all posted traffic signage. Be patient with other drivers as we re-learn the original routes. Thank you for your continued patience as we’ve navigated 7 months of construction. This section completes all three downtown segments.
Please be advised that the City Hall parking lot on Cedar St. N. will be closed for parking and to motor vehicles from October 25 - November 8, 2024. Both the front hall and accessible entrance to City Hall (elevator access) will remain open. Cedar St. N. will be closed north of the laneway behind City Hall. Work is being done to connect the City's sanitary sewer system to new underground infrastructure as part of Connecting Link construction. A temporary pedestrian crossing will be installed across Algonquin Blvd. E. at Cedar St. to accommodate parking in the municipal lots south of Algonquin. The wests sidewalk along Cedar St. N. will also remain accessible, with the construction zone clearly marked with signage and fencing. We appreciate your continued cooperation.
Work to grade and repave the Mattagami Bridge pedestrian underpass starts on Tuesday, August 6, 2024. The path will be closed for approximately 2 weeks while work is completed. Rehabilitation of the Mattagami Bridge as part of this year's Connecting Link construction includes work to improve the pedestrian underpass and extend the paved path to the Mountjoy Farmer's Market pavilion. We appreciate your cooperation while work is completed.