Intimate Partner Violence - Data and Results

Targeted Outcomes:

  • Strengthen and expand support services for intimate partner violence.
  • Enhance collaboration and open communication in addressing gender-based violence and intimate partner violence.
  • Address the root causes of gender-based violence and intimate partner violence through education, training, and trauma-informed approaches.

The data illustrates information that is meaningful to the safety and well-being of residents in Timmins, based on priority risk areas identified by the community. 

#buildingasafertimmins #communitysafetyandwellbeing

Quarter 1: January - March 2024

Several agencies have been actively addressing issues related to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV), such as human trafficking.

Collaborative efforts between the Timmins Police Service and Victim Services resulted in anti-human trafficking presentations in February and March, drawing over 115 individuals. These presentations aimed to raise awareness and educate the community about the issue of human trafficking.

A budget allocation of $25,000 has been earmarked to address IPV. Once a specific initiative or plan for utilizing these funds is determined, a comprehensive report will be provided to Council.