Project Details

Connecting Link Segment 8

Location: Cedar St. to west of Brunette Rd.
Value: $10,104,084.00
Contractor: R.M. Belanger Ltd.
Completion: Fall 2024
Status: Awarded
Project Coordinator: Eryk Rice

Project Details:

The City of Timmins, as part of the Connecting Link Project, agrees to provide a long lasting route for transportation of our population, goods, and services. These sections of the Connecting Link are top priority due to the age of the infrastructure and the pipe in this location, tying into the trunk sanitary and trunk storm systems.

The scope of work consists of construction on the Connecting Link over three (3) consecutive years:

2022 – Theriault Blvd. to Mountjoy St.
2023 – Mountjoy St. to Cedar St.
2024 – Cedar St. to west of Brunette Rd. (including removal of the overpass bridge and installation of a new snowmobile crossing)

This contract includes a full reconstruction of water, sanitary and storm infrastructure, new curbs and sidewalks, new asphalt and light standards, the removal of the ONR Overpass and the installation of a new snowmobile crossing near Hollinger Park.

This year the contract will continue from where it was left off in 2023.