Timmins Youth Connect

Timmins Youth Connect is a new way for youth 13-21 to connect directly with the City of Timmins and each other. Administered by the City of Timmins as part of the Community Safety and Well-Being Plan, Timmins Youth Connect is an opportunity for local youth to engage with the City, so that they feel empowered to speak up and create positive change at home, at school, and in Timmins.

While Timmins Youth Connect is part of a larger strategy to prioritize a youth-focused community, the direction of Timmins Youth Connect is entirely up to the participants. The City offers support, but all topics of discussion, group activities, and communication are decided by youth who are looking for a way to be heard.

Want to participate?

Youth ages 13-21 can join the monthly discussions at any time. No RSVP is required. A dedicated Instagram page has also been set up by youth, for youth, to communicate meeting dates, fun giveaway’s, and information that is relevant to the group.

Follow Timmins Youth Connect on Instagram @TimminsYouthConnect.


For more information, contact: 

Meagan Baranyk
Community Strategies Coordinator
[email protected]