Timmins is Growing: How Mining and Immigration Are Driving People North 

Statement from the Mayor - May 24, 2024

Statistics Canada has released their latest population estimates, with Timmins’ population in 2023 at 44,819, an increase of 3.85% over the previous year. If the projections are correct, this is the highest Timmins population has been in over a decade. This is a positive indication that Timmins’ population is beginning to rebound and that opportunities in immigration and industry are driving people north.

People are choosing to move to Timmins. Recent announcements in the mining sector are creating a wide range of employment options, strengthening the skilled labour market. Available employment in mining attracts both permanent and temporary workers. With this, comes the opportunity for growth and development across multiple sectors, such as education and health care.

Since the last confirmed census in 2021, over 700 permanent residents have immigrated to Timmins through pathways like the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP). RNIP is connecting skilled foreign workers with eligible employers, providing a solution for labour shortages, and bringing individuals and families to Timmins who are contributing positively to our local economy and community. This is economic immigration at work and it’s definitely a contributing factor to the growth of Timmins.

The Timmins Economic Development Corporation has also seen success through their workforce attraction project, which launched in June of 2023 with a similar goal of drawing skilled labour to Timmins. This initiative highlights the robust employment opportunities that are available and has successfully welcomed new residents to our area.

It’s important to note that the latest population estimates are based on data from both permanent and temporary residents, including students, giving us a clearer picture of our city’s actual needs, especially in terms of housing and infrastructure. This allows us to better plan for and address the needs of residents, ensuring that future housing developments, capital investments in infrastructure, and improvement of affordable recreation, are adequate and prepare us for the future. We are committed to creating a dynamic and thriving community with more than enough room to grow. This is a positive start!

Mayor Michelle Boileau, City of Timmins

Posted by Amanda Dyer On 5/24/2024 at 2:20 PM  

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