Timmins Mayor Michelle Boileau Announces Pregnancy 
Timmins Mayor Michelle Boileau and husband Andrew Morrish are excited to announce they are expecting their second child in October.

“We are excited to be expanding our family,” says Mayor Michelle Boileau. “The roles of Mayor and Mother are extremely important to me. Timmins is where I was born and raised, and it’s where I am choosing to raise my family.”

Mayor Boileau is the third woman to serve as Mayor of the City of Timmins, and the first of Timmins’ Mayors to have a baby while holding office.

“I am grateful for the support of my fellow Councillors and City Administration,” adds Boileau. “I was fortunate to help establish the City’s Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy for Council Members prior to having my first child. I am passionate about creating a space where women and individuals with young families are encouraged to participate in local government.”

At this time, Mayor Boileau is planning to take a short five-month pregnancy leave, anticipated to start late September or early October.

As per the City’s Pregnancy and Parental Leave Policy for Council Members, Mayor Boileau can be absent from the meetings of council for a period of 20 consecutive weeks. Councillors Cory Robin and Andrew Marks will serve as Deputy Mayor during the Mayor’s pregnancy leave.

“While I focus on spending time with my family, I want to assure residents that there is a plan in place to keep Council’s positive momentum going,” adds Boileau. “We have a clear list of priorities in place, we know the work that needs to get done, and I will make sure to stay informed.”
Posted by Amanda Dyer On 4/24/2024 at 10:58 AM  

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