UPDATE 2: Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant Maintenance - September 3, 2024 
Planned maintenance will be taking place at the Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant to facilitate draining, cleaning and refilling of the chlorine contact tank. This work is required to remove the solids on the bottom of the tank and to remove the growth of algae and moss on the tank walls. While this will temporarily reduce the chlorine contact time, chlorine will continue to be added to the final effluent, and we do not expect significant impacts on the final disinfection process. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has been notified and samples will be collected.

Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant – Chlorine Contact Tank Cleaning
Address: 551 Airport Road
Start date: September 3, 2024
Start time: 8:00 am
End date: September 11, 2024
End time: 12:45 pm
Volume by-passed: 134,975 m3

The final date and time of the maintenance will be posted on the following business day after the completion of the required maintenance.
Posted by Cyndee Villeneuve On 9/12/2024 at 9:38 AM  

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