Update- Notice of Disruption- Water Pollution Control Plant Essential Maintenance- July 4, 2024 

Planned essential maintenance will be taking place at the Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant which requires the use of the preliminary treatment bypass line on July 3, 2024, to remove a buildup of solids (rags). The preliminary bypass line will divert the influent from the screen and grit removal systems to the primary clarifiers. We do not anticipate any impact to the final effluent. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has been notified and samples will be collected.

Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant – Use Preliminary Bypass Line

Address: 551 Airport Road
Start date: July 3, 2024
Start time: 8:05 am
End date: July 3, 2024
End time: 5:30 pm
Volume by-passed: 8897.10 m3

We’re reminding residents that only human waste and small amounts of toilet paper should be flushed. Baby wipes, feminine products, dental floss, cotton swabs, cleaning and disinfectant wipes, toilet bowl scrubbers and paper towels might be labeled "flushable," but they are not!

These products do not break down in the sewer system and can cause plugs in sewer pipes and pumps, resulting in sewer backups, overflows, costly cleanups and sewage equipment replacement. While it may seem convenient to dispose of various materials in this manner, it can have severe consequences for our sewage works. Please dispose of non-flushable items in the waste receptacle, ensuring they are properly bagged.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. By working together to practice responsible waste disposal, we can help maintain the integrity of our sewage system.

Posted by Sara Perron On 7/4/2024 at 8:12 AM  

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