Timmins’ Growth Management Study Public Open House – April 1, 2025 

Over the next 25 years, Timmins is anticipated to grow. Shifts in population, employment, and housing will change the landscape of our community. Imagine what Timmins will be like in the year 2051?

The City of Timmins is conducting a Growth Management Study that will help provide a long-term vision and strategy for Timmins. The City’s Planning Division is working with Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., in association with J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd., to review Timmins’ population, housing, and employment forecasts. The study will provide direction on where and how residential and employment growth should occur to best benefit the community. It will also provide the foundation for the City’s Official Plan Review.

Public engagement is an important part of this process. The City of Timmins is inviting residents to share their thoughts, ideas, and concerns about the future growth and development of Timmins.

A Public Open House on the City’s Growth Management Study is being held April 1, 2025 to discuss:

  • population, housing, and employment growth potential
  • social and economic trends that could impact municipal growth
  • opportunities and challenges with growth and development

Public Open House
Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: McIntyre Community Centre (Auditorium), 85 McIntyre Rd., Timmins, ON P4N 8R8

Planning how we grow and change will help us create a sustainable community that has the resources, amenities, and infrastructure we need to attract new residents, businesses, and services.

For more information on the City’s Growth Management Study, visit: https://bit.ly/4byHus2

Posted by Amanda Dyer On 3/17/2025 at 1:17 PM  

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