City Council Approves Water and Wastewater Budget for 2024 
City Council has approved the 2024 water and wastewater budget. The annual increase is approximately 4.3%, as outlined in the City’s 10-year financial plan. The average 5 room home will pay $24 more for water and $35 more for wastewater per year, or $59 total for municipal service. The same household will pay approximately $4.92 more per month on their utility bill compared to last year.

The 10-year financial plan was approved in 2021 to address a deficit in the water and wastewater budget, with nominal increases set over a number of years. The City anticipates “breaking even” on the water budget at the end of 2023, one year ahead of projections in the long-term financial plan.

Future plans for water and wastewater will see continued investment in the renewal and enhancement of critical infrastructure. Included in the approved budget is the refurbishment of a clarifier at the Mattagami Wastewater Treatment Plant. Budgeted at just under $4 million, the clarifier is a settling tank that allows for the constant removal of solids. Capital projects under water service include reviewing the backwash pump and piping, part of process related infrastructure with an estimated cost of $1.6 million. Both projects will contribute to improved system stability and controllability, which saves time and money.

The water and wastewater budget is approved separately from the general 2024 municipal budget or taxation fund because revenues are sourced from user fees and not property tax.
Posted by Amanda Dyer On 12/20/2023 at 9:12 AM  

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