Historic Hollinger Train on Track for Restoration 
The historic Hollinger gold mine train will be departing from Whitney Park in Porcupine this month for Gorf Manufacturing Contracting Ltd. Restoration will take place over the winter before the train returns to the park in spring 2024.

The old locomotive was used at the Hollinger to haul ore and became part of a collection of historical artefacts displayed at Whitney Park, including the mine’s original vault, which was part of the mining recorder’s office, a drill, and old electric engine.

As part of the restoration project, the vault will also be rehabilitated and plaques explaining each artefact’s historic significance will be added. Plans to update the display in Whitney Park are being coordinated by the Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre and the City’s Facilities and Recreation Dept.
Posted by Amanda Dyer On 9/11/2023 at 8:31 AM  

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