With warm temperatures forecasted for the end of the week, Public Works is advising residents to be prepared for a mix of slush, snow, and potholes.
While work continues to clear the snow left behind by a late winter storm, Public Works is reminding residents that pushing snow from residential lots and driveways into the roadway is a violation of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. The extra snow slows down snow removal, narrows city streets, and could cause temporary ponding on road surfaces as the snow melts.
The fluctuation between freezing and thawing also wreaks havoc on the roads, causing frost heaving that can damage pavement and create cracks and holes in the road surface. Provincial government standards require the City to fix a pothole within a prescribed period, depending on the size of the pothole and whether it is on a paved or unpaved road.
It is important to note that the City’s obligation to fix a pothole is only triggered after we become aware of the problem. If you see a pothole, report it online by clicking on the Service Timmins quick link on the City’s website, going directly to service.timmins.ca, or by calling 705-264-1331.
As temperatures climb, Public Works will continue to remove snow, clear catch basins (to help with water drainage), and fix potholes. We are asking residents to slow down when approaching road maintenance crews, use caution when navigating a work zone, and drive to spring road conditions.
Learn more about the how the City is working to maintain our roads online at: www.timmins.ca/our_services/roads_and_infrastructure.