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Work is proceeding along segment 6 of the Connecting Link, which runs from Mountjoy St. to Theriault Blvd.

This week, crews are completing sidewalks, some soft restoration, and feathering in paving on side streets. Next week, electrical is scheduled (traffic signals and street lights). Line painting is also planned.

We anticipate that the remaining work will take approximately 3 weeks to complete. Algonquin Blvd. will be fully opened from Mountjoy St. to Theriault Blvd. at that time. 

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 08, 2022 at 12:03 PM

File No. Z-2022-12
5627 030 070 02300


TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Timmins will hold a public meeting on Monday, December 5, 2022, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, to gather public input regarding a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c. P. 13, as amended.

Applicant: Monica Van Berlo and Neil Clifford

Location: Tisdale Concession 2, Part of Lot 9, Plan M34S, East Part of Lot 18, Part BLK A, Parcel 13902WT, City of Timmins (35 Father Costello Drive)

THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to rezone the subject lands currently zoned General Commercial (EA-CG) to General Commercial (EA-CG) SP6.184 to permit all uses in the General Commercial zone and to allow a total of three residential units in the building. Both the first and second floors will contain one residential unit each. The third unit will be two-stories and comprise a section of the first and second floor. Required number of parking spaces shall be reduced to one (1).

ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.

If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of Council of the City of Timmins to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Timmins before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Timmins before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Timmins on the proposed zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to Steph Palmateer, City Clerk, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, P4N 1B3.

For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact the Planning Division, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, P4N 1B3, telephone number 705-360-2624 or via email.

Dated at the City of Timmins this 4th day of November, 2022.

35 Father Costello Driver property location map

Posted by David St.Onge  On Nov 07, 2022 at 11:48 AM

Mayor Kristin Murray has proclaimed November 6 – 12, 2022 as “Treaties Recognition Week” in the City of Timmins. Timmins is situated in Treaty 9 territory, the traditional lands of many First Nations, Metis and Inuit People.

A treaty in Canada is an agreement between the government, Indigenous groups, and/or provinces and territories to define the rights and obligations of each party. The purpose is to honour the importance of treaties and educate residents about treaty rights and relationships.

“Part of the journey of reconciliation involves acknowledging how Canada’s early treaties failed to protect Indigenous Peoples and their communities,” says Mayor Kristin Murray. “We encourage an open discussion about the impact of the residential school system, the creation of remote First Nations reserves, and the resulting lack of access to infrastructure. Through honest dialogue comes understanding and support for relationships that foster healthy communities and people.”

Today, the Government of Canada is focused on rebuilding existing relationships with Indigenous partners. Treaties Recognition Week is an opportunity to learn more about our collective role in upholding treaty rights.

More information is available at:

Ontario First Nations Maps:

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 03, 2022 at 10:29 AM

Please be advised that James Ave. will be closed for the entire day on November 3, 2022 between Sixth Ave. and Brunette Rd.

The closure is to allow Enbridge Gas to perform a valve repair. Local traffic only.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your cooperation.

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 02, 2022 at 9:40 AM

Please be advised that Spruce St. South will be closed from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on November 3, 2022 between Algonquin Blvd. and Third Ave. 

The closure is to facilitate the replacement of a traffic pole on the southeast corner island. Local traffic only.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 02, 2022 at 9:27 AM

The City is wrapping up work on several construction projects to maintain and improve roads and infrastructure throughout the city. Here is the latest progress report as of Tuesday, November 1, 2022:

Connecting Link – all curb work is done. This week, crews are working on the roadway surface and will then move onto sidewalks. Electrical work (street lights, traffic signals) is also being scheduled. There is no final date for completion at this time.

Denise St. (COMPLETED SOON) – paving is scheduled for tomorrow. We anticipate that the road will be open to traffic by the end of the week. Crews have been keeping up with landscaping, but there will be some soft restoration to finish up (driveways and sod).

Airport Rd. (COMPLETED SOON) – there’s no impact to traffic. Crews are finishing up soft restoration on sod and have a couple of small patches to pave.

Work on the Bruce Ave. Bridge continues. The warm weather has worked in our favour as contractors push ahead. There is no final date for completion at this time.

Intersection of Brousseau and Hart – crews are finishing up with paving.

Intersection of Preston and Belanger – crews are finishing up with paving.

We appreciate your continued patience with detours, road closures, and other disruptions that happen during construction season. Improving and maintaining our infrastructure is necessary and important. Thank you for your cooperation.

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 01, 2022 at 3:27 PM

Effective today, March 1, proof of vaccination requirements and capacity limits have been lifted at City of Timmins’ arenas, including the Archie Dillon Sportsplex Pool and all arena spectator stands. The City of Timmins will continue to follow recommendations as outlined by the Province of Ontario.

Other protective health measures including mask/face coverings and COVID-19 screening will remain in place. Masks are required indoors at all times in all arenas when not actively engaged in an activity. Continue to wash your hands often, wear a mask, and stay home if you are experiencing symptoms.

All employees and contractors working on location at a City arena will still be required to provide proof of vaccination. 

For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, visit the Porcupine Health Unit website at

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 01, 2022 at 9:40 AM
It’s inevitable: winter is coming. In preparation for the cold and snow, the City of Timmins is reminding residents of winter by-laws that will shortly go into effect.

The winter overnight parking ban takes effect on Tuesday, November 1 and helps ensure that Public Works can complete snow removal operations and keep Timmins’ roads safe and clear. From November 1 until April 30 any vehicle parked on the street between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. will be subject to a $50 fine and the vehicle may be towed at the expense of the owner (unless you are in an area exempt from the winter parking ban).

The City of Timmins will inform residents of winter road maintenance with temporary “no parking” snow removal signs (yellow and red in colour), posted before snow removal begins. A weekly snow removal schedule will also be posted online at and shared to the City’s Facebook page. Remember to look for signs posted on your street to ensure parking has not been restricted in your area.

The City of Timmins Snow By-law 1993-4162 provides guidelines for clearing snow from your property. Snow must never be placed onto the street or sidewalk. Moving snow from your driveway onto the sidewalk or street can create various safety hazards, obstruct pedestrian traffic, or obstruct the view of drivers. Even a small amount of snow left on a sidewalk can cause accessibility issues for some our residents.

And finally, if you plan on installing a temporary structure such as a winter car shelter, you will require a permit from the City of Timmins. A seasonal structure permit is just $15. Approved seasonal structures can be erected between October 1 and April 30. You will need to submit an application (available online at, your site plan, and payment to Service Timmins.

For additional information, contact Service Timmins at or by phone at 705-264-1331.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 01, 2022 at 9:08 AM

Please be advised that Mattagami Blvd. S. from Algonquin Blvd. to Wilson Ave. will be closed starting Monday, October 31 until Wednesday, November 2, 2022.

Work is being completed on asphalt and curbs along the Connecting Link.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Oct 28, 2022 at 10:45 AM

Please be advised that the intersection of Gillies Ave. and Ann Ave. will remain closed until October 31, 2022.

Work to connect water and sewer mains to a house is on-going. Gillies Ave. is closed at Vimy and Oak.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Oct 27, 2022 at 12:06 PM
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