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Installation of the dedicated snowmobile and pedestrian crossing on Algonquin Blvd. E. will begin Monday, July 8, 2024. Contractors will be in town to stage traffic controls and begin installing the electrical infrastructure like conduits and pole bases.

The crossing is being added following the removal of the Algonquin overpass. Snowmobile riders will be able to traverse Algonquin using a signalized crossing from Hollinger Park to the Hydro One easement to the north. The crossing will operate with a standard red, yellow, and green traffic light cycle that starts on-demand when prompted by a pedestrian or snowmobile rider. The crossing for pedestrians and snowmobiles are separated for safety, flanking either side of the east entrance to KFC. Each crossing will be clearly marked, with separate crossing signals.

During construction, Algonquin Blvd. E. will be reduced to one lane in each direction at the point of construction. 

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jul 05, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Work on the Mattagami Boat Launch piers and retaining wall will begin shortly. The contractor has begun to place fencing around the work area.

Work includes removal and replacement of the timber docking floor, curbs, wall framing and facing on the east and west piers; removal and replacement of the concrete walls and foundations on the east pier; removal and replacement of the existing damaged guard rails; and, repairing all cracks in the concrete launch pad.

The launch pad is still accessible for users at this time. We will provide an update with date of closure for the launch pad once work has moved forward.

We appreciate your cooperation while work is completed.

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jul 04, 2024 at 12:25 PM

Planned essential maintenance will be taking place at the Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant which requires the use of the preliminary treatment bypass line on July 3, 2024, to remove a buildup of solids (rags). The preliminary bypass line will divert the influent from the screen and grit removal systems to the primary clarifiers. We do not anticipate any impact to the final effluent. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks has been notified and samples will be collected.

Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant – Use Preliminary Bypass Line

Address: 551 Airport Road
Start date: July 3, 2024
Start time: 8:05 am
End date: July 3, 2024
End time: 5:30 pm
Volume by-passed: 8897.10 m3

We’re reminding residents that only human waste and small amounts of toilet paper should be flushed. Baby wipes, feminine products, dental floss, cotton swabs, cleaning and disinfectant wipes, toilet bowl scrubbers and paper towels might be labeled "flushable," but they are not!

These products do not break down in the sewer system and can cause plugs in sewer pipes and pumps, resulting in sewer backups, overflows, costly cleanups and sewage equipment replacement. While it may seem convenient to dispose of various materials in this manner, it can have severe consequences for our sewage works. Please dispose of non-flushable items in the waste receptacle, ensuring they are properly bagged.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this matter. By working together to practice responsible waste disposal, we can help maintain the integrity of our sewage system.

Posted by Sara Perron  On Jul 04, 2024 at 8:12 AM

The City of Timmins, Environmental Services Department wishes to advise the public of hydrant flushing/watermain cleaning activities in the following areas:

• Timmins South Area starting at Pine St South & Algonquin Blvd West heading East to Vipond Rd.
• South Porcupine starting on Legion Dr and heading towards Porcupine.

Time of Disruption
• July 3, 2024, until August 30, 2024

Homeowners and/or businesses within the area might experience water service disruptions which can include but not limited to short-term low pressure and/or discoloured water. It is recommended not to drink or wash laundry with discoloured water. Should this occur, it is advised to turn off your tap for 10-20 minutes in order to allow the crew to complete the test. While it is not harmful to your health, it can stain laundry. Should the water be discoloured after completion it is advised to turn on the COLD water closest to the source (usually your laundry tub tap) and let it run for approximately 15-20 minutes or until the water colour has returned to normal.

City staff would like to thank residents for their patience and cooperation during this necessary process and advise that if there are any concerns or requests for additional information, they may contact the Service Timmins at 705-264-1331.

Posted by Sara Perron  On Jul 03, 2024 at 8:52 AM
Timmins Transit’s On-Demand service is coming to Porcupine and South Porcupine beginning August 1, 2024. The microtransit pilot project will allow Timmins Transit to expand service coverage for Porcupine and South Porcupine, and provide flexible, shared-ride transportation booked through the Timmins Transit On-Demand mobile app, web portal, or by calling Timmins Transit.

On-Demand service is one way that Timmins Transit is modernizing their current public transit model with a goal of increasing ridership, optimizing existing conventional bus routes, and creating a more affordable transportation solution. Timmins Transit On-Demand provides shared rides between any two designated bus stop locations within the service area using smaller-sized, fully accessible buses. The addition of microtransit service also allows conventional bus service to Porcupine and South Porcupine to be upgraded to a 15-minute service frequency. Buses will be running to and from Porcupine and South Porcupine every 15 minutes.

“Our current conventional buses run on a fixed-route network,” says Director of Public Works and Environmental Services, Ken Krcel. “A microtransit solution will allow us to fill service gaps by connecting areas that have been underserved to existing bus routes. That means, riders in Porcupine and South Porcupine, including Connaught Hill, who do not live near a static bus stop, will be able to use Timmins Transit On-Demand to catch their bus. By optimizing the existing conventional bus routes, we can also provide more frequent service for Porcupine and South Porcupine.”

The Timmins Transit On-Demand app launched in February for existing paratransit users. Riders requiring accessible service are now able to book rides and plan travel without the need for advanced reservations. Now, the same app and same accessible bus will be used to roll out service in Porcupine and South Porcupine. Adding expanded On-Demand service will require changes in the current fixed-route service, so Timmins Transit is encouraging riders to review the changes online at

“When we launch Timmins Transit On-Demand on August 1, routes 16 and 901 East will be replaced by a direct route 101 East with a 15-minute frequency,” says Transit Manager, Marcel Cote. “Many of the conventional bus stops will become virtual stops. Riders will need to book travel through Timmins Transit On-Demand for pick-up. Our regular buses will no longer service those stops, but shared-ride pick-ups will connect the rider to their destination or nearest transit hub. This also applies to residents in Schumacher traveling to Porcupine or South Porcupine. A new stop on Hwy. 101 E at McIntyre Rd. will be added for eastbound riders.”

Timmins Transit will be holding a public information centre on Thursday, July 25, 2024 in the Northern College gymnasium. Two sessions available. Drop in between 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. See the expanded route map, watch demonstrations of how to book and navigate the Timmins Transit On-Demand app, and learn more about how microtransit is revolutionizing public transportation.

The Timmins Transit On-Demand app is available to download now from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. The app will go live for advanced bookings on July 25, 2024. Delivering a modern, efficient, and convenient public transportation network is Timmins Transit’s main goal. Timmins Transit On-Demand is how we get there.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jul 02, 2024 at 11:49 AM
Timmins Transit’s On-Demand service is coming to Porcupine and South Porcupine beginning August 1, 2024. The microtransit pilot project will allow Timmins Transit to expand service coverage for Porcupine and South Porcupine, and provide flexible, shared-ride transportation booked through the Timmins Transit On-Demand mobile app, web portal, or by calling Timmins Transit.

On-Demand service is one way that Timmins Transit is modernizing their current public transit model with a goal of increasing ridership, optimizing existing conventional bus routes, and creating a more affordable transportation solution. Timmins Transit On-Demand provides shared rides between any two designated bus stop locations within the service area using smaller-sized, fully accessible buses. The addition of microtransit service also allows conventional bus service to Porcupine and South Porcupine to be upgraded to a 15-minute service frequency. Buses will be running to and from Porcupine and South Porcupine every 15 minutes.

“Our current conventional buses run on a fixed-route network,” says Director of Public Works and Environmental Services, Ken Krcel. “A microtransit solution will allow us to fill service gaps by connecting areas that have been underserved to existing bus routes. That means, riders in Porcupine and South Porcupine, including Connaught Hill, who do not live near a static bus stop, will be able to use Timmins Transit On-Demand to catch their bus. By optimizing the existing conventional bus routes, we can also provide more frequent service for Porcupine and South Porcupine.”

The Timmins Transit On-Demand app launched in February for existing paratransit users. Riders requiring accessible service are now able to book rides and plan travel without the need for advanced reservations. Now, the same app and same accessible bus will be used to roll out service in Porcupine and South Porcupine. Adding expanded On-Demand service will require changes in the current fixed-route service, so Timmins Transit is encouraging riders to review the changes online at

“When we launch Timmins Transit On-Demand on August 1, routes 16 and 901 East will be replaced by a direct route 101 East with a 15-minute frequency,” says Transit Manager, Marcel Cote. “Many of the conventional bus stops will become virtual stops. Riders will need to book travel through Timmins Transit On-Demand for pick-up. Our regular buses will no longer service those stops, but shared-ride pick-ups will connect the rider to their destination or nearest transit hub. This also applies to residents in Schumacher traveling to Porcupine or South Porcupine. A new stop on Hwy. 101 E at McIntyre Rd. will be added for eastbound riders.”

Timmins Transit will be holding a public information centre on Thursday, July 25, 2024 in the Northern College gymnasium. Two sessions available. Drop in between 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. See the expanded route map, watch demonstrations of how to book and navigate the Timmins Transit On-Demand app, and learn more about how microtransit is revolutionizing public transportation.

The Timmins Transit On-Demand app is available to download now from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store. The app will go live for advanced bookings on July 25, 2024. Delivering a modern, efficient, and convenient public transportation network is Timmins Transit’s main goal. Timmins Transit On-Demand is how we get there.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jul 02, 2024 at 11:48 AM

The City of Timmins, Environmental Services Department wishes to advise the public of a secondary treatment bypass at the Mattagami Water Pollution Control Plant.

Address: 551 Airport Road
Start date: June 29, 2024
Start time: 4:20pm
End date: June 29, 2024
End time: 5:35pm
Volume by-passed: 494.603 m3

Municipal wastewater consists of 99% water from stormwater and homes/businesses from washing, flushing etc. When a treatment plant or treatment process is overwhelmed, a bypass or overflow can occur. These events are often caused by heavy rainfall and/or snowmelt. During a by-pass or overflow, partially treated wastewater is diverted away from a treatment process to prevent backups, overflows or damage to the system.

For more information please visit:

Residents can help mitigate flows by delaying or limiting unnecessary usage such as laundry, shower length, dishwashing etc. during rain storms.

City staff would like to thank residents for their assistance in reducing water usage during this time.

Posted by Cyndee Villeneuve  On Jul 02, 2024 at 8:21 AM
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