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A by-law is a rule or law that is put in place by the City of Timmins to ensure that our community remains safe and orderly. The City of Timmins Enforcement Services Division is responsible for enforcing our by-laws. Staff enforce by-laws by investigating complaints and responding to the concerns of citizens.

Each month, we'll explore a different by-law and what it means for you. This month, we're looking at the City's Fire Crackers / Fireworks by-law 1984-2162.

Baby, that’s a firework

Fireworks are low-explosive pyrotechnic devices that are used most commonly for entertainment. A firecracker is also a small explosive device, but its primarily designed to produce a loud noise. In the City of Timmins, the sale and setting off of firecrackers and fireworks is regulated by by-law 1984-2162.

It’s a straightforward by-law. No person shall sell any fire ball, squib, cracker or fireworks on any day of the year within the City of Timmins. A fire ball is a firework that shoots a ball of fire up in the air. A squib are the fireworks that make a large hissing noise as they go off. No person shall set-off or fire any fire ball, squib, cracker or fireworks on any day of the year within the City of Timmins on private or public property.

Fireworks are banned as a safety precaution, especially in areas that are at risk for forest or brush fires or in residential areas where a misfired firework could cause injury or damage to property.

But I’m a professional

When Canada Day rolls around, the city wants to celebrate. Professional firework companies can obtain a permit from the Fire Chief that will allow then to set-off fireworks at a specific time and place as outlined in their permit by a qualified person.

Applications for permits must be submitted in writing at least two weeks in advance to the Timmins Fire Department.

That’ll cost you

If you do decide to sell or set-off fireworks or firecrackers, you would be considered guilty of an offence and if convicted, are liable to a maximum fine of not more than $2,000.

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 24, 2022 at 3:54 PM
The City of Timmins is encouraging residents to attend a Public Information Centre (PIC) on transportation alternatives for the Porcupine River corridor on Monday, July 4, 2022.

The Porcupine River Bridge on Frederick House Lake Rd. was closed last November over concerns of safety and structural integrity. Since then, the City has been working with Associated Engineering to come up with a permanent solution for the transportation corridor.

Associated Engineering will now present three (3) possible design options that include replacement of the bridge on Frederick House Lake Rd., permanent detour around the closed structure or a new road alignment east of the Porcupine River. This is an important opportunity for residents and interested parties to provide public input on each transportation alternative.

Public Information Centre
Date: Monday, July 4th, 2022
Time: 6:30 p.m. -8:30 p.m.
Location: Hoyle Community Center
    25 Hoyle Rd.
    Porcupine, ON P0N 1H0

The PIC will consist of an open house format with City staff and technical representatives on hand to answer any questions.

The City of Timmins thanks residents for their participation in improving its active infrastructure.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 23, 2022 at 3:36 PM
The City is pedaling forward on plans to re-designate Jubilee Ave. and Theriault Blvd. in order to add dedicated bike lanes to both roads through a busy school and recreation area.

Centre two-way left turn lane signs have been installed along Jubilee Ave. and will be in effect once line painting is completed the week of June 27, 2022. The re-designation project will see Jubilee Ave. reduced to a three-lane road with a dedicated centre turn lane. Road markings for bike lanes will be painted at a later date.

For more information on the re-designation project, visit:
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 23, 2022 at 9:40 AM
When it comes to climate change, the City’s Environmental Coordinator is specific about what corporate initiatives need to happen now to give Timmins a green future.

“The City needs to lead by example,” says Christina Beaton. “Through our sustainability program, we have achieved success in reducing our corporate electricity consumption, natural gas consumption, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It’s a start, but we have work to do to encourage community participation in our programs.”

Since 2018, the City has reduced electricity consumption by 9%. Over the same period, the City has reduced natural gas consumption by 16%. The City’s energy intensity, the amount of energy used to provide a service or product, has been reduced by 14%, which far surpasses the overall goal of a 5% reduction over 5 years. The goal now is to maintain or improve this rate of reduction until 2024. The City has also met and surpassed target reductions on GHG emissions with a decline of 15% since 2017.

At last night’s council meeting, the City’s new Climate Change Adaptation Plan was approved. The plan is designed to advance community engagement in long-term planning with the goal of creating a community that is resilient to the risks associated with climate change.

“Yesterday, we had the season’s first special weather statement warning of high temperatures and potential health risks to vulnerable populations,” adds Beaton. “It helped reinforce the need for a comprehensive strategy, led by the City, to help our community deal with climate change risks like extreme heat days, heatwaves, reduced air quality from high temperatures and increased wildfire activity. We are hoping to collaborate with interested residents and community groups as we implement the plan.”

The City’s Community Adaptation Plan will soon be available online. Learn more about the City’s commitment to a sustainable future at:
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 22, 2022 at 6:47 AM
After one day navigating new detours past Connecting Link construction, the City has some tips for residents to help keep traffic moving.

Two detour routes are now in place that navigate traffic north or south of the construction zone between Theriault Blvd. and Mountjoy St. The northerly route takes Theriault Blvd. to Vimy Ave. back to Mountjoy N. Two new temporary stop signs are in place and the City is adding additional flashing beacons ahead of each stop to alert motorists. The southerly route takes Cameron St. S to Commercial Ave. back to Mountjoy S. Three additional traffic lights have been added and synchronized to reduce stops and move vehicles.

Both detour routes were designed with engineering consultants to optimize traffic flow. Traffic was diverted to Commercial Ave. this year because it is an approved truck route and provides a more direct line through Mountjoy S. to Second Ave. Temporary no left turn signs have been added along the route to prevent traffic congestion, particularly when turning left from Wilson onto Mountjoy N. All temporary traffic signs and signals are enforceable under the Highway Traffic Act and should be adhered to.

One recommendation is for motorists to make use of both detours depending on travel direction. Drivers heading west towards Timmins Square are encouraged to use the northerly route along Vimy with an easy right turn off Algonquin Blvd. at Mountjoy. Drivers heading east back towards south end can use the southerly route along Cameron St. S. and Commercial Ave. with a right turn off Algonquin Blvd. at Theriault. By using both routes, traffic congestion will be further minimized.

Motorists are also reminded to help keep intersections clear. If traffic is delayed at an intersection, it is advisable to not enter the intersection until you can completely clear it on the other side.

Full details on Connecting Link construction including detour maps, adjusted Timmins Transit stops, and stages of construction can be found at Residents can also sign up for Connecting Link alerts to stay up-to-date on construction progress.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 15, 2022 at 3:44 PM
Pollinator week is a big deal in the world of bees. It’s an annual celebration that raises awareness about pollinator health and what we can do to protect our local pollinators.

Bee City Timmins is kicking off Pollinator Week this Sunday, June 19 at Gilles Lake. Residents are invited to learn more about how small changes can make a big impact on the health of pollinators like bees, butterflies, bats, birds, and even small mammals. The event runs from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

“Bee City Timmins is excited to celebrate pollinator week with the community” says Environmental Coordinator Christina Beaton. “We have a number of fun activities planned. Residents can make their own seed balls, pick up a seed bookmark, and learn how to grow pollinator-friendly habitats in their own yard. Our pollinator partners will also be on hand, agencies and organizations who support the work of Bee City Timmins. It will be a fun afternoon.”

Why is it important to protect our pollinators? The world’s pollinator populations, the number of bees, butterflies, bats, and more are in decline. This is mainly thought to be a result of a loss in feeding and nesting habitats. As much as 75% to 95% of the flowering plants on earth need pollination from pollinators. The food that we eat like fruits, vegetables, and nuts all require pollination. The good news is that creating pollinator friendly habitats is fairly easy, with minimal effort. Supporting pollinator nesting is even easier and lets residents leave their lawn mower and rake in the shed for a little bit longer.

Bee City Timmins looks forward to sharing more about our pollinators and how we can protect them this Sunday, June 19 at Gilles Lake. 
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 14, 2022 at 11:20 AM
A lasting effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a driver shortage at Timmins Transit. In an effort to reduce driver fatigue and stress, City Council has approved a temporary frequency reduction effective Monday, June 13.

The revised schedule will be in place over the summer months from June through August and will reduce frequency times of some routes from service every 30 minutes to every forty-five minutes.

“Last summer, Management had to cancel summer vacation requests due to driver shortage,” says Director of Public Works and Environmental Services Ken Krcel. “Our drivers need time to rest and recharge. The immediate benefit is a reduction in lost time and employee turnover. This small change will prevent a greater loss of service that could happen if drivers end up burned out and calling in sick.”

Reducing the frequency of service will reduce the total number of driving hours each day, allowing for time off without having to cancel routes altogether. The timing is also ideal since past data shows a decline in ridership during the summer months.

“We need to give drivers their requested time off as per their collective agreement,” adds Krcel. “We are doing that with as little impact to transit riders as possible while providing adequate public transportation in the summer.”

For more information on Timmins Transit schedule and updated routes, including those impacted by Connecting Link construction, visit / Our Services / Timmins Transit.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 13, 2022 at 3:39 PM
Ontario has announced their annual Gas Tax funding and Timmins is on the list to receive $661,115. Investment through the Gas Tax program will be used by Timmins Transit for the purchase of a new bus.

“We receive Gas Tax funding annually,” says Director of Finance Natalie Moore. “The purpose of the program can be to upgrade infrastructure and that’s our current priority for Timmins Transit. New equipment will boost service reliability and performance, which works towards our overall goal of delivering more reliable transit service.”

Discussions around Timmins current public transit system came up during recent budget talks with a request for a transit rationalization process and route review being requested by council. Timmins Transit continues to deal with the affects of the pandemic and low ridership, but has once again frozen user fees to help offset changes to service.

Transit will be looking to purchase the new bus by the end of the year.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 13, 2022 at 3:38 PM

Canada Day 2022

Plans for Canada Day are well underway and this year, the City of Timmins has teamed up with Timmins Community Park Association to bring fun for the whole family.

First up, Hollinger Park will be the site of a Canada Day Family Fun afternoon complete with a DJ and foam party! Splash around in the suds, run the inflatable maze and take a ride in a bumper ball. Midnight Express will keep the music pumping. Enjoy a hotdog BBQ by donation and celebrate Canada in one of Timmins’ great green spaces. Festivities run from noon to 4:00 p.m. on Friday, July 1 from Hollinger Park.

That night, head to the shores of Porcupine Lake for a spectacular firework display from Rampant Fireworks. Where’s the best place to watch? Stare up at the night sky from locations along the shore like the White Waterfront Conservation Area. Fireworks start at 10:00 p.m.

For updates on the Canada Day Fun and Fireworks, follow the City of Timmins, Timmins Tourism and Timmins Community Park Association on Facebook.

Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 13, 2022 at 10:13 AM
Connecting Link construction is ready to move ahead. Algonquin Blvd. will be closed Monday afternoon east of Theriault Blvd. and west of Mountjoy St. Traffic will be diverted down two possible detour routes and motorists should be prepared to stop at new traffic lights and stop signs.

“It has taken some time to get permissions in order, but mobilization is well underway with the focus on bringing materials to site and getting the detour and bypass routes in order,” says Chief Administrative Officer Dave Landers.

A temporary 4-way stop has been added at the intersection of Theriault Blvd. and Vimy Ave. and a temporary 3-way stop has been added at the intersection of Vimy Ave. and Mountjoy St. N. Temporary traffic lights have been installed along the southerly route on Cameron St. S. at Wilson Ave. and Commercial Ave. and on Commercial Ave. at Mountjoy St. S. Detour maps can be viewed at

Commercial motor vehicles will now use the standard truck route from Shirley St. to Lafleur Dr. and onto Laforest Rd. before connecting with Hwy. 655. A temporary speed reduction of 50 km/h is now in effect along Airport Rd. from Laforest Rd. through the area of the Kraft Creek Bridge.

This is the second downtown segment along the Connecting Link and includes full-depth reconstruction of the roadway, replacement of underground services like water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer, and pole relocation. It is part of a three-year plan to prioritize the downtown Connecting Link route.

Starting Monday, residents should plan ahead and allow an extra 5 to 10 minutes for detour. Sign up for Connecting Link updates today at and stay up-to-date on the latest construction news.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Jun 10, 2022 at 1:23 PM
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