February 2025 - Posts
An extreme cold weather alert has been issued for Friday, February 07, 2025. Temperatures are expected to drop to -26 overnight, inclusive of wind chill.
Exposure to extreme cold temperatures can cause serious and sometimes even life-threatening health problems, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Protection from extreme cold conditions includes avoiding wind exposure, dressing in warm layers, and covering exposed skin.
People requiring emergency shelter can attend the location at 316 Spruce St. S. for assistance.
Amanda Dyer
Night Time Snow Removal 9:00 pm to 7:00 am
From February 9, 2025 to February 13, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing night time snow removal in the areas listed below.
Sunday, February 9, Starting 9:00 pm:
BIA: Third, Spruce (Sixth to Kirby), Pine (Sixth to 912 Pine)
Monday, February 10, Starting 9:00 pm:
BIA: Cedar (Fifth to Kirby), Balsam (Fifth to Second), Birch (Fifth to Second), Maple (Fifth to Second), Elm (Fifth to Second).
Tuesday, February 11, Starting 9:00 pm:
Timmins North: Pine (Sixth to Hendry), Ross, Toke
Wednesday, February 12, Starting 9:00 pm:
Timmins West: Norman, Park, Joseph
Daytime Snow Removal 7:30 am to 4:00 pm
From February 10, 2025 to February 14, 2025, the Public Works Department wishes to inform the public that crews will be doing snow removal in the areas listed below.
Monday, February 10, Starting 7:30 am:
Timmins South: Cedar (Moneta to Huron), Balsam (Moneta to Sterling), Maple (Moneta to Sterling), Elm (Moneta to Sterling), Huron.
Porcupine: Kenneth, Collins, Earl St East, Duke St East, Conley St North, Gervais St North.
Tuesday, February 11, Starting 7:30 am:
Timmins North: Cedar (Fifth to Jubilee), Balsam (Fifth to Dead end), Birch (Fifth to Ninth).
Porcupine: Bristol, Henry St South, Rekela St South, Ruth St South, Young St South.
Wednesday, February 12, Starting 7:30 am:
Timmins North: Kelly Ann, Renee Place, Lozanne, Lois.
Porcupine: Rekela, Division, Ottolen, Ruth, Young St North, Remembrance, Henry St North.
Thursday, February 13, Starting 7:30 am:
Timmins North: JV Bonhomme, Argento, Brian Romain, Mascioli, Logan Kerr, Schneider, Ray Canie.
Friday, February 14, Starting 7:30 am:
Timmins: Churches and Storefronts
Porcupine: Corporation, New, Sutherland, Florence
Note on the Plan:
The above plan or parts of the plan may be changed at any time and/or delayed if a winter storm is in effect or related to mechanical issues. The snow removal crew will change to a snow plowing operation. Those streets that may not be completed will be completed on the next available snow removal shift.
Illegal placement of Snow from Residential Property onto Sidewalk and Road:
A reminder that City BYLAW 1993-4162 does not allow a person to place snow from a person’s property and place onto the road or sidewalk.
Posted No Parking Signs Advising Winter Maintenance:
Public Works would like to remind residents that yellow No Parking Signs will be posted to notify that Winter Maintenance will be taking place for daytime operations. Vehicles not complying with these No Parking signs will be ticketed and towed to allow for Snow Removal Crew to advance.
Winter Parking Ban:
A reminder that the Winter Parking Ban is effect and parking on the street is not permitted on any day, between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30.
Priority Sequence for Snow Removal Operations:
Day Operation:
Snow removal is never done in the area where Waste Collection is taken place.
High density residential areas (Older Section of City: one-ways, narrow streets);
Low density residential areas
Night Operation:
Highway sections;
High density commercial sections;
Main Arterial Routes.
A reminder to respect safety signage as the safety of workers is very important.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Public Works
Becky Cashmore
Timmins, ON – City of Timmins Public Works is declaring changes to the snow removal schedule for the week of February 01, 2025 – February 07, 2025.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Areas being affected that will not have snow removal due to a plowing event and will be re-scheduled for a later date:
Day Shift South Porcupine– scheduled– Main St N, Moore St N, Legion St N, Crawford St N, Julie, Sony, Nadine
Disruption of snow removal operations as stated are due to a city-wide snow plowing event.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Becky Cashmore
The City of Timmins Public Works Department would like to advise the public that a city wide snow plowing operation is planned to begin Friday, February 07 at 12:01am. and is anticipated to last all day and may continue into the evening.
Crews will be deployed to plow city streets, rural roads, laneways and parking lots across the city.
We would also like to remind the public that the Winter Parking Ban is in effect. Parking on the street is not permitted on any day between the hours of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am, from November 1 through April 30.
We thank you for your patience and cooperation during this time.
Public Works Department
Becky Cashmore
City Council has received the final draft of the Timmins Victor M. Power Airport 2022-2042 Airport Master Plan. The objective of the Airport Master Plan is to provide a long-term vision for the Airport that forecasts demand and activity, identifies opportunities and challenges, and recommends improvements for revenue generation and development. The plan was first initiated in 2022 and has undergone review and consultation before being presented to Council as a guiding document for future planning and investment.
The Timmins Victor M. Power Airport is a key economic driver, connecting Timmins and communities in the north, including the west coast of James Bay, to the rest of Canada and the world. The Airport’s ability to meet demand directly impacts the city’s success in facilitating business and trade. Reliable air service allows local business to expand and access new markets, and helps attract investment and development to Timmins. Air passenger traffic is projected to increase 1.1% per year over the life of the plan, with the potential to see approximately 277,000 passengers traveling through the Timmins Victor M. Power Airport annually by 2041. This increase would require upgrades or changes to the Airport’s infrastructure and facilities, including regulatory requirements based directly on passenger numbers.
“The airport’s operations contribute an estimated $90 million and $200 million, respectively, in gross domestic product (GDP) and total economic output to Ontario’s economy,” said Airport Manager Dave Dayment. “That only happens when the runways are open and planes are traveling in and out. You will see that number increase as the airport expands and passenger traffic grows. The Airport Master Plan makes a case for investment, from all levels of government, to support population, industry, and economic growth.”
A capital investment of $120 million over the next 20 years for airside and land use improvements is recommended, organized into short-term, medium-term, and long-term priorities. In the short-term, improvements to parking, equipment optimization, and façade upgrades could be balanced with initial planning for proposed commercial development. Medium-term costs could be directed towards expansion of the terminal building, car park, and airside elements. Long-term recommendations include runway extensions, lighting improvements, and final development of commercial lands south of the airport.
“Many of the recommendations would be contingent on the airport reaching key passenger and air travel milestones,” adds Dayment. “The Airport Master Plan provides a comprehensive look at where we are now and where we could go with the right strategy and investment.
View the Timmins Victor M. Power Airport Master Plan online at: https://bit.ly/4hqS2vm
Amanda Dyer
Request for Proposal - Municipal Surplus Land Opportunity - Confederation Arena - 303 Cameron Street South
The Corporation of the City of Timmins (City) is contemplating the sale of a key piece of municipal surplus real estate. The City is interested in exploring the level of public interest in purchasing this land based on the receipt of detailed proposals from interested Proponents. The Property, known as the Confederation Arena, is located at 303 Cameron Street South (as hereinafter described, the “Property”). There is a one storey building and playground equipment on the Property. The irregular-shaped Property has a frontage of 70.49 metres (231.26 feet) on Dalton Road, an approximate depth of 160.88 metres (527.85 feet) adjacent to Cameron Street South, and an approximate area of 10,823.53 square metres (116,503.50 square feet). The location of the Property is depicted in the map below:
Figure 1: Property Location

For additional information and a detailed copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) concerning this opportunity, please visit the City of Timmins Bids and Tenders website (Bid No. 1130). If Proponents do not have an account, one must be created. Proponents who will be submitting a proposal must register as a plan taker for this RFP. If the Proponent is not registered as a plan taker for this bid, the submission will not be considered. RFP submissions (hereinafter, a “Proposal”) can only be accepted through the Bids and Tenders website and not to City staff.
Interested Proponents are asked to submit their Proposal to the City of Timmins Bids and Tenders website (Bid No. 1130) no later than 2:00 p.m. (Timmins local time) on Thursday, March 13, 2025.
The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals. The City will not accept any Proposal received after the deadline set out above.
David St.Onge
File No. Z-2025-01
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the City of Timmins will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, to gather public input regarding a proposed Zoning By-law Amendment under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c. P. 13, as amended. This is a City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment.
THE PURPOSE AND EFFECT of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to eliminate off-street parking requirements for any residential use located on upper floors above main floor commercial uses in the General Commercial (EA-CG) Zone of the City of Timmins Zoning By-law 2011-7100.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation either in support of or in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment.
If a person or public body would otherwise have an ability to appeal the decision of Council of the City of Timmins to the Ontario Land Tribunal but the person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Timmins before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the City of Timmins before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so.
Please note that the rights of third parties to appeal Zoning By-law Amendment decisions to the Ontario Land Tribunal have been restricted under the Planning Act.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the City of Timmins on the proposed zoning by-law amendment, you must make a written request to Steph Palmateer, City Clerk, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, P4N 1B3.
For more information about this matter, including information about appeal rights, contact the Planning Division, City of Timmins, 220 Algonquin Boulevard East, Timmins, Ontario, P4N 1B3, telephone number 705-360-2624 or via email.
Dated at the City of Timmins this 4th day of February, 2025.
Under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and in accordance with Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), all written submissions, documents, deputations, correspondence, emails or other communications (including name and address) provided for, or at a public meeting, public consultation, or other public process are considered part of the public record. Please note that by submitting any of this information, consent is being provided to use and disclose this information as part of the Planning process.
David St.Onge
An extreme cold weather alert has been issued for Tuesday, February 04, 2025. Temperatures are expected to drop to -36 overnight, inclusive of wind chill.
Exposure to extreme cold temperatures can cause serious and sometimes even life-threatening health problems, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Protection from extreme cold conditions includes avoiding wind exposure, dressing in warm layers, and covering exposed skin.
People requiring emergency shelter can attend the location at 316 Spruce St. S. for assistance.
Amanda Dyer
An extreme cold weather alert has been issued for Monday, February 03, 2025. Temperatures are expected to drop to -28 overnight, inclusive of wind chill.
Exposure to extreme cold temperatures can cause serious and sometimes even life-threatening health problems, such as frostbite and hypothermia. Protection from extreme cold conditions includes avoiding wind exposure, dressing in warm layers, and covering exposed skin.
People requiring emergency shelter can attend the location at 316 Spruce St. S. for assistance.
Amanda Dyer